ceive at another school. Participating in inter-collegiate athletics has been one of the highlights of school thus far. It’s really a thrill for me to play on a team that is made up of Christian fellows who want to and do, carry a testimony for Christ on the field. The Lord has also given me many blessings in everyday student life. De votion and prayer times in the dorms have really meant a great deal to me. It is surprising how much a per son can grow just by observing the life of a Christian roommate. Of course class and student body activities add a great deal of enjoyment to campus life. Along with these extra activities, I’m sure that the biggest blessing, by far, comes right in the classroom. It’s really wonderful to begin and close each class period with prayer, and to know that the Lord will be with you throughout the hour and give you strength to learn those things which will most honor and glorify Him. Sec ond Timothy 2:15, though a very fa miliar verse, has become a real chal lenge to me as I seek to prepare my self for His work. At the present time all of us here at Biola are anticipating eagerly the building program which is now being planned. For the past few years, we have looked forward to the time when all of the students would be living together on one campus. Although all our classes are held on the La Mirada campus, there is a great disadvantage in having the student body split the way it is with several hundred stu dents living downtown. J u s t t h e other day I met a girl whom I had never seen before, only to find out that this was her fourth semester here. As we’re looking to God for the nec essary funds for this building program, we realize that this will not only be the fulfillment of many dreams, but the answer to the prayers of many who wish to see the testimony of Biola greatly enlarged. The Lord has certainly blessed rich ly in the past, and we are looking forward to even greater things in the years ahead.
CHERYL WALTERS, SAN DIEGO, CALIF. I feel that Biola offers me the finest Christian training available today. Not only does it provide a well-rounded
field in liberal arts, but also it gives me an opportunity to prepare for Chris tian S e r v i c e t h r o u g h Rural Outreach, C h i l d Evangelism, Practi cal M i s s i o n a r y Training, and Gos pel Teams. When I first
came to Biola I was impressed with the contrast between secular high school and with the Christian atmos phere of this campus. I also noticed that the testimony of the students was not confined to the limits of the cam pus grounds, but was carried to their homes, their jobs, their recreations, and their Christian . Service assign ments. This in itself was wonderful, but when I got into my Bible classes and began to learn the history of the Bible, the interpretation of certain pas sages, the techniques of soul winning, and, in general, the Christian life, I was brought to my knees again to thank the Lord for bringing me here. It’s wonderful to fellowship with dedicated young people who have one purpose and goal before them and that is to better equip themselves to serve our Lord Jesus Christ. However, many students, due to in adequate housing facilities on campus, are forced to live in old Biola buildings in downtown Los Angeles. Raising enough money to build more dorms to house these students would eliminate the financial and physical strain im posed on them. These students living in Los Angeles have to rise at 5:00 each morning, board chartered buses, and ride 20 miles out to the La Mirada campus for classes. Solving this prob lem by building more dormitories would not only cut costs, but also would unite the students more dlosely togeth er, thus strengthening the bonds of Christian fellowship. 15
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