THE BIBLE EXHORTS US to have brotherly love one for another. I heard of a midwestern city where Sunday after Sunday, members of the town’s First Christian Church drove up to their 11:00 o’clock serv ice only to find that their parking lot was being used by members of a nearby church of a different de nomination. The other church start ed services fifteen minutes earlier. Finally, the exasperated minister hit upon an idea. He made a sign for his church’s lot which stated, “ Park ing for Chrfstians only.” An inter esting solution. Frequently, the small things of life will gnaw at our hearts and cause problems. The little irritations of family or friends or neighbors can be resolved. However, if we fol low Peter’s exhortation, “Have fer vent charity among yourselves . . .” / Peter 4:8. * * * "We may have committed the Golden Rule to memory, but what we really need to do is to commit it to life." If you are already a member of the Fellowship and have received an extra copy of this publication, please pass it along to a friend so that he may also enroll in the Plan and receive these helpful monthly features from the broadcasts. Since all materials from the Biola radio programs are included in the BROAD CASTER, publication is generally complet ed near the end of the specific month. Your patience is greatly appreciated. □ I would like to become a member of the Biola Fellowship. Biola Fellowship Members receive a packet of envelopes (24 to expire in two years for monthly contributions). I am enclosing $.....................for the ministries of Biola.
principle is found in the Epistle of James. For that matter, I John 1:9 is employed, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteous ness.” Please do not use this question of restoration to the Lord on a national scale as though any single nation in the world were by so much Christian. It may have many individual Chris tians, but no nation, as such, can claim it in the way this promise was given nationally to Israel.
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