Biola Broadcaster - 1962-04


W e h a v e b e e n surprised to hear from many people who have said, “I thought evolution was just a proven fact; that there was no argu­ ment about it.” To some this may be true, but if one wants proof of real science, it will never be found in the false hypothesis of evolution. The Bible so clearly states that man was created in the image of God. If this statement is not a fact, then he did not fall in sin, the coming of Christ is unnecessary and useless, and the New Testament, indeed, the Bible itself, is only a book of historic myths. As one person de­ fines evolution, “It is that system of teaching which makes men out of mon­ keys, and monkeys out of men.” The sad and tragic part of it all is that so many people, like those we mentioned a moment ago, treat it as fact and not merely the supposed evidence of crea­ tion. If we were to accept evolution, or even theistic evolution, it would make Jesus Christ only the evolutionary re­ sult of an extended process of life, rather than the very Sustainer and Creator of the universe. It would rob Him of His deity, and would take away His rightful power of forgiving us of our sins and the blessed hope of His coming again.

Now the question, “Is evolution real­ ly extensively taught as fact in our schools and is it a threat to the founda­ tion of our youth?” A survey has been made of science books, and you would be amazed at the results uncovered. In one we read, as your young people may also be reading, “There is much evi­ dence besides that found in a study of fossils to show that present living things descended from those of earlier times . . . the evidence secured from various scientific fields has made it possible for scientists to find relation­ ships of organisms, now living, not only to one another, but also to those which once lived, but long since have become extinct.” In another text, “No one has dis­ covered a single fact to disprove the theory of evolution, and the facts that establish its truth a r e abundant.” When young people read statements such as that, they are confused. They feel that their teachers are to be relied upon. All too often, Christian parents do not have sufficient facts in this field to reveal to their children. Therefore, they just hope that somehow the stu­ dents will be able to ride out the crest of false impressions, themselves won- (Continued on next page) 25

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