Biola Broadcaster - 1962-04

T h e t r u t h o f any doctrine can often be judged best of all by the results of its application in human thought and experience. No matter how “air tight” the philosophy of a teaching may be it stands condemned if the ap­ plication of its principles leads to the degradation of humanity. As our Lord Jesus Christ has said, “By their fruits ye shall know them” (Matt. 7:20). This is the logical and final test. What, then, are the fruits of evolu­ tion? Of the many evils which have resulted from this teaching, mention will be made only of the emergence of the code of ethics, based upon the Dar­ winian principle of evolution, militar­ ism, and communism, and atheism. Let us examine each of these briefly. Prof. S. J. Holmes of the University of California, has well defined the Dar­ winian code of ethics. He states that “Darwinism, consistently a p p l i e d , would measure goodness in terms of survival value.” He adds that “funda­ mentally, therefore, our ethics are Dar­ winian, whether we like it or not.” The survival of the individual is, ac­ cording to this doctrine, the true ethi­ cal criterion of conduct. Whatever is necessary in order to enable the in­ dividual to survive is right. Needless to say, this concept involves nothing original—it is the moral stand­ ard of the jungle. But there is another law, another code of ethics, which far transcends the Darwinian standard. Our Lord has said, “Whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for My sake shall find it” (Matt. 16:25). The doctrine of militarism is the logical extension of the Darwinian code of ethics from the individual to the group or race. The full title of Darwin’s famous treatise, is “On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the preservation of fa­ vored races in the struggle for life.” The struggle for existence has been ac­ cepted generally as one of the basic principles which have led to the evolu­ tion of man. If such, be the case then it is claimed that war, as part of this struggle, is natural and inevitable and (Continued on next page) 29


the fruit

of godless


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