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E v e r s in c e the publication of Charles Darwin’s “The Origin of Spe cies” — in 1859 — the theory of Evo lution has been the subject of critical investigation in nearly every field of science. The theory of organic evolution has been defined as an hypothesis that millions of years ago lifeless matter, acted upon by natural forces, gave ori gin to one or more minute living or ganisms which have evolved into all living and extinct plants and animals, including man. The theory of evolution has to do with the origin of life and the origin of species, and should not be confused with the ordinary development or na tural history of living plants and ani mals which we see around us, and which is an entirely different pheno menon.
A. modified form of this hypothesis, known as Theistic evolution, has been advanced 'by some in an attempt to reconcile the atheistic theory of evo lution with modernistic theology. Ac cording to this view, God created all living things by, or through, a process of evolution. But such teaching is in compatible with the history of the fall of man and his need for redemption through Jesus Christ. There are three stages in evolution— 1. The development of life from the inanimate 2. The development of higher forms from lower ones 3. The development of man. Some of those who hold the theory of Theistic evolution, limit the pro cess of evolution to the second stage only <— that is the development of (Continued on next page) 3
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