S in c e I t h i n k that every American Christian should also be a Christian Patriot, I would like to have you think with me about how we should react and what we can do particularly in the situation in which we find ourselves today. Therefore, please consider s ome thoughts centered around three words: realism, resources, and response. By realism, I mean a realistic ap praisal of the world in which we live and can reasonably expect to live the remainder of our lives. By resources, I mean a survey of the resources — economic, political, and spiritual, with which we have to face the world, to survive in it, and ulti mately to change it. By response, I mean our personal re sponsibility at this critical hour in his tory. I do not think it necessary to dwell too long in a realistic appraisal of the perilous times which we face. Peace in our time depends upon the Free World’s ability to successfully navigate through the most hazardous cross cur rents ever to face mankind. We must recognize that there is no end to that journey in sight, either in our time or that of our children. Khrushchev has said that the Communists would aban don their concepts of world communi- zation only “When shrimps learn to whistle.” Behind Khrushchev stands the forboding figure of China with a fanatical determination to accomplish world domination. Realism, therefore, demands that we discard all wishful thinking and rec ognize the state of the world for what it is: hazardous, costly, and in a des perate struggle that may well go on ad infinitum. Now with the above bleak picture, let us stand back a moment and meas ure our resources. Economically, the United States is still a colossus among nations. We find that we are, roughly, twice as strong as all the countries be hind the Iron Curtain on the basis of such standards as steel production and electric power. More important than our economy,
by Mark O. Hatfield, Governor o f Oregon
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