however, is our political heritage. We were the first revolutionary nation of modem times. Now when the nations of Africa or those of the Far East throw off the yoke of foreign domina tion they do not turn to Das Kapital, they turn to our own Declaration of Independence. Ours was the first re public of modem times. Ours was the first nation to offer individual rights with real meaning to them. Ours was the first nation to offer true political liberty and free elections. This is the heritage which gives us national strength. Finally, and perhaps most important, there is our spiritual heritage. God was a reality to our forebears. Consider the. covenants which the Pilgrims and Puri tans of New England executed before forming a new village. They collective ly swore before Almighty God to follow Him in the development of their soci ety. Consider George Washington on, his knees at Valley Forge. Also recall from history the Constitutional Con vention pausing for prayer at an im passe in the writing of the document which Gladstone called the noblest work of man. Then, we would not for get Lincoln calling his Cabinet to their knees in thanksgiving upon receiving the news of Appomatox. In considering how our spiritual re sources might be strengthened, we might ask ourselves three very specific questions. First, do we really have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ? I do not speak necessarily here of some drama tic conversion experience, but, rather,
of a real knowledge and experience of what Peter said at Pentecost, long be fore any theology was developed, in response to questions from those deeply affected by his sermon as to what they should do. Peter said simply this: “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” Paul and Silas stated it even more simply in their answer to the jailor’s question of what he must do to be saved. They said: “Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved.” A second question: Do we spend time in communication with God in prayer, in reading the Bible, and in worship? It is intellectually impossible to say that we love- God, that we want to know all about Him, and then to ignore Him. Our faith in Him fades into ero sion of doubt and unreality to the ex tent that we neglect to communicate with Him. Finally, do we let God work through us in Christian service and witness? Service does not need to go out into the world with a full panoply of creeds and theology. It needs only to have an eye for meeting some genuine need of some genuine human being. It in volves a relationship of mutual help, compassion, and self-giving which fol lows the example of Christ’s own life and ministry. Of all the resources which the Free World requires to survive, and ulti mately to overturn, the explosive and deadly witches brew from the depths of hell involved in atheistic commu nism, the most important are our spirit ual resources. Of all of our resources, the ones most in need of strengthening at this time are our spiritual resources. If we are to survive, it will only be because people like you will be will- ing, by tile grace of God, to assume Personal Leadership as real Christian Patriots. 33
Oregon's Christian Governor, the Honorable Mark O. Hatfield, a recent guest on "The Bible Institute Hour." Pray for this distinguished leader.
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