SLSQ Magazine - Issue 2.2

Surf Life Saving Queensland Magazine

WHAT DO YOU CONSIDER THE MOST IMPORTANT ASPECT OF SURF LIFESAVING? While we have exceptional paid leaders within our ranks, it’s the symbiotic relationship between volunteers and staff that truly propels us to greatness. Our continued growth, evident in last year’s remarkable 2.5% increase, showcases the enduring appeal of our volunteer-driven movement. Did you know we are the largest volunteer, youth and emergency service volunteer movement in Australia? As we navigate forward, it remains vital to safeguard our volunteers above all else. At the heart of our organisation lie our volunteers - they are our heartbeat.

LOOKING BACK ON YOUR JOURNEY, WHAT HAVE BEEN SOME MEMORABLE HIGHLIGHTS? There have been several highlights that stand out for me, both personal and organisational. Winning an Australian championship title was undoubtedly a significant moment in my competitive career. It’s a milestone that many athletes aspire to achieve, and I’m grateful to have experienced that success. Another cherished highlight was patrolling the beach with my three children for the first time. As a father, seeing my kids embrace the lifesaving culture and join me on patrol was a moment of immense pride and joy. Additionally, being elected as the National President of Surf Life Saving Australia was a truly humbling experience. To have the opportunity to guide and lead an organization that I deeply love and believe in is a privilege beyond measure. Alongside the highlights, there have been moments of difficulty and challenge, not all rescues go to plan. These experiences serve as sobering reminders of the harsh realities of our frontline emergency work. Surf lifesavers often find themselves confronting traumatic situations, including body retrievals and challenging rescues. While we may be known for our smiling faces on the beach, it’s essential to acknowledge the emotional toll that these experiences can take on our volunteers.


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