SLSQ Magazine - Issue 2.2

Surf Life Saving Queensland Magazine

WHAT DOES THIS “NEW” BEACH MEAN FOR US AT SURF LIFE SAVING QUEENSLAND? This beach experienced a surge in beachgoers in 2023 thanks to the formation of a huge sand spit. With the increased popularity has come increased concerns about water safety and the need for more eyes to watch over the masses. In 2022, the Sunshine Coast Council signed off on an agreement with Surf Life Saving Queensland to keep our lifeguards continuing to patrol beaches for at least the next five years. As part of this agreement, there saw a relocation of the existing lifeguard service, which operates during Queensland school holidays from September to May, from Golden Beach to Happy Valley.

“Our beaches are always evolving, and it’s vital we work with mother nature as well as humans to keep everyone safe. We want to respect out natural environment while keeping beachgoers safe,” says Aaron Purchase, Sunshine Coast Regional Manager. “As lifeguards and lifesavers we see first-hand how a beach can change every moment of each day that’s why our commitment to educating the public on these changes is so important.”


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