SLSQ Magazine - Issue 2.2

Surf Life Saving Queensland Magazine


Whether through roles in training, administration, or specialised initiatives like uncrewed aviation, Damien looks forward to a future where SLSQ Members can leverage their skills and experience to make meaningful contributions to promoting beach safety and saving lives. “I also want to work closely with our manned aviation teams. Imagine a time when our drones can go out, do the grunt work in terms of search and rescue and free up our helicopters to get to those in need, waste less time and resources. We can send out a team of drones, pinpoint the exact coordinates for our helis and pull off the rescue in no time at all.” Summing up, it’s clear to see that drones are going to play a huge part of our lives, and not just surf life saving! In the next issue of Shoreline, we hope to bring you more exciting news about how SLSQ will take on the role of trainer to help those who want to be on the forefront of this wave of new technology – stay tuned!

When we chat about the future of drones within lifesaving, Damien wants to focus on developing our Members to play a key role. “I believe it’s crucial for us to focus on creating career pathways for our Members and lifeguards.” We have individuals who may age out or experience injuries that limit their physical ability to continue frontline life-saving duties, but their passion and dedication is exactly what we want to harness.” “Many of our members have a wealth of experience and knowledge that they’re eager to share, and it’s essential for us to provide avenues for them to continue making a difference.”

By 2043...

The total number of drone flights will be around 60 million

Approximately 100 thousand patients will be transported using drones

Goods delivered will reach 46 million, growing at a CAGR of 31%

Almost 1 million passenger transportation flights per year

The number of total flying hours will rise to over 15 million

Over 3.5 million flights will monitor protected areas, coastline and wildlife

Farmers will make almost 500,000 flights to monitor and support their crops

Surf Life Saving Clubs will be supported by almost 80,000 annual drone flights

There will be over 500,000 medical deliveries

Just over 1.5 million food deliveries will be made across Australia

Around 310,000 drone flights will be used to support frontline policing

The mining industry will operate almost half a million drone flights

Did you know? Over the next twenty years drone flights are projected to grow on average by 20% per annum, culminating in around 60 million flights each year by 2043.

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