Surf Life Saving Queensland Magazine
How long have you been part of the helicopter crew? I have been a part of the Westpac Rescue Helicopter Service for six years now starting as a volunteer Rescue Crewman in 2018. For those who don’t know can you give us a run down on your role within the helicopter crew? My current role within the service is an Aircrewman where I recently gain my winching endorsement within the service. As an Aircrewman, we are constantly working with the pilot on planning flights and getting the aircraft where it needs to be. We also are responsible for operating the rescue hoist which is our primary means of rescuing people. I’m also still a current Rescue Crewman where I perform “down the wire” meaning I go down on the hook and rescue/ assist people where needed.
Can you give us a run down of your career so far? I started with the service in 2018 when I was 22 years old as a volunteer Rescue Crewman, in mid-2023 I went through Aircrewman training and was awarded my Aircrewman and Winching Endorsement Certificate later in the year. What has been the highlight of your career so far? The highlight of my career so far would have to be between doing my first helicopter rescue on Christmas Day 2018 with the Aircrew who ended up signing me off for my winching certificate five years later and being signed off as an Aircrewman in 2023. What’s the best thing about your role? Working with a great bunch of crew, pilots, office manager and flying low level over our beaches. It still gives me such a thrill!
What does the future hold for you and your role with the heli crew? Definitely a few more years of service at least.
What would you say to someone from SLSQ who wanted to be more actively involved with the heli team? Get all the awards and experience on the beach and within Operations Support, put your application in for the service when EOIs for Rescue Crew are sent out and always have a keen and positive attitude. If you were to have a call sign what would it be? Some of the senior crew and pilots would probably run with Goose if they were to answer this for me!
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