Professional Care PT. How To Recover Quicker And More Compl…


HOW SHOULD MY SPRAIN OR STRAIN BE TREATED? Foot and ankle pain treatment depends on where the injury happens and how long ago it occurred. If it is not possible to walk more than two or three steps without pain or if the joint looks out of place, it is important to visit a doctor as soon as possible, because a fracture may be suspected. However, within a few hours of compression wrapping and elevation, most people notice that the swelling begins to subside, and they can carry on with most of their daily tasks with minimal discomfort. However, this initial treatment of a foot or ankle sprain does not help strengthen the area and prevent injury in the future. For optimal results, it is best to consult with a physical therapist to see what the best methods would be for healing and avoiding re-injury of the affected area. Once the acute phase of the injury has passed (the point where there is pain), it is possible to prevent future injury through exercises targeted at strengthening themuscles thatsurround theankle.Yourphysical therapist will prescribe certain strengthening exercises to regain your normal levels of function.Thismay includedrawing thealphabetwithyour toes to improve range of motion, performing calf raises every time you stand at the sink, or raising your toes slowly off of the ground when you are standing in line at the grocery store. HOW WILL PHYSICAL THERAPY HELP MY SPRAIN OR STRAIN? Physical therapy is designed to relieve the pain of a foot or ankle problem, improve range of motion, and strengthen your muscles so they are able to take on the shock of normal activities. While pain within your foot or ankle may subside on its own, there are dysfunctions up the chain that can last for years and lead to other injuries. For example, changes in gait pattern can result in ankle injury, making it difficult for you to move around freely. Physical therapy is thebestway tomakesure that these injuriesdonotoccur. Our physical therapists will show you therapeutic exercises that target the muscles that keep the foot or ankle supported. They may even recommend a customized physical fitness program that can help you reduce stress on your feet and ankles. Whether you sustained a sprain or strain, physical therapy is the answer to achieving long-term relief. Contact Professional Care PT today to schedule a consultation or to find out more about how physical therapy can help relieve your foot and ankle pains.

Haveyourecentlysustainedan injury toyour footorankle thathasresulted inpain? Ifso, it ispossible thatyoumaybeexperiencing theeffectsofeither a sprain or strain, depending on what structure was injured (tendon or ligament).While therearemany factors thatcan lead to footandanklepain, sprains/strains are some common examples. Even if your pain subsides, dysfunction may still be present. Ifyouhavenoticed limitedmobility,previousorpresentpain,orother issues with your ankles or feet, Professional Care PT can help. We can determine if the cause of your injury was indeed a sprain or strain, in addition to helping provide you with the necessary treatments for healing. We can also provide you with tips for avoiding re-injury in the future, so you don’t have to worry about avoiding certain activities. WHY IS MY FOOT OR ANKLE HURTING? Whetheryou trip, fall,or twistyour footorankle“wrong,” footandanklepain thatstems fromasprainorastrain isoften theresultofsomesortof injury. However, it isalsocommonlydue toanunderlyingweakness in themuscles of the foot or leg. In fact, any accumulation of factors can lead to insidious onsetofpain, including lossofrangeofmotion,alteredmovementpatterns, balance issues, and overall affected mobility. People who sprain or strain their feet or ankles often find that they are continuously re-injuring that part of their body. Fortunately, this does not have to be the case with the help of physical therapy. WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A SPRAIN AND STRAIN? A sprain happens when a ligament (the tissue that connects one bone to another) isstretchedor torn.Aspraincanalsohappenwhen there isdamage to a joint capsule, or the part of the ankle or foot that adds stability to the joint. Symptoms of sprains include pain, inflammation, muscle spasm, and sometimes an inability to move your foot or ankle. While sprains happen when there is damage to a ligament, strains happen when there isdamage toamuscleor tendon (the tissue thatconnectsmuscle to bone). Strains usually happen when the muscle suddenly contracts while it is stretched, like when you run or jump. The symptoms of strains are similar to those associated with sprains, making them difficult to tell apart without doing a physical therapy examination. If you are unsure about whether you sustained a sprain or strain, we can help you figure it out.

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