Spotlight Branding - July 2021

Get More Out of Your Staff’s Performance Reviews By Having ‘Performance Conversations ’ Instead

If you conduct regular performance reviews for your team, then you know just how frustrating they can be. Sometimes you can spend an hour assessing a problem, only for you AND your employee to leave the room more confused than when you entered! This is because the typical “performance review” process is flawed. It’s time to toss it out the window. Here at Spotlight Branding, we’ve swapped out quarterly performance reviews for “quarterly conversations.” This simple mindset switch makes the review process a two-way street. In a conversation , both the manager and employee assess the employee’s role and performance before the meeting. Then, they sit down together, share their thoughts, and identify gaps between their impressions. The goal is to come to a consensus and close those gaps. Here are three questions our team dives into in every quarterly conversation.

contributing to the company culture in a positive way? Why or why not? What do they think? If they think they are crushing the core value game and you feel differently, talk about that and come to an understanding. 2. Regularly meet their goals, metrics, and other key performance indicators? There’s not much room for argument here — either your team member met their goals or they didn’t. But if they didn’t, this is a good opportunity to talk about what happened and give them a chance to explain their performance. 3. Still understand, enjoy, and have the capacity to perform their role? The employee’s perspective on this question is key. Ask if they still enjoy their job and feel they have the necessary tools and skills to succeed. If they don’t, chat about that! Similarly, you may find the team member wants to transition out of their role, either with your firm or outside of it. It’s best to ask about these things so you can be prepared and clear up misunderstandings.

Does the team member ...

1. Live out our core values in the workplace? This part of the conversation explores company culture. As a manager, do you think the employee lives and breathes your firm’s core values? Are they

If you follow this model, you AND your employee will leave the room feeling enlightened.


FEATURED EPISODE From Our Newest Podcast, Center Stage

The Enneagram Test A Comprehensive Way to Learn About Yourself and Your Team

If you’re looking for more great resources to drive your business forward, take a look at this episode from our newest podcast, Center Stage . 018 – Succeeding on TikTok With @PortCityAttorney Brandon Pettijohn TikTok has exploded as a social media platform over the last year, which means it’s another opportunity for people and businesses to gain exposure. Does it fit within a law firm’s marketing strategy? It’s worked for some, including this week’s guest, Brandon Pettijohn, aka @PortCityAttorney. He has already amassed nearly 400,000 followers and has over 7 million likes on his posts, and he joins us this week to discuss what it takes to find TikTok success. If you want more referrals, better clients, and higher ROI on all your marketing, call us today at 800-406-7229 to schedule a consultation! Listen to this episode and find even more at

Communication is a big focus in our office. However, it’s not just what we communicate that’s important, but also how. One of the best ways to learn how to communicate with each other is being able to tailor your communication based on the other person’s personality. This is where the enneagram test comes in.

We’ve taken a deep dive into the enneagram at our office, and it has unlocked a much deeper understanding of who we all are, howwe see the world, and howwe can better communicate with each other. Even better, the enneagram is free to take, and several websites out there are dedicated to explaining each personality type and how to have personal and professional relationships with each of the other types. We used, but there are tons of other options for you. Take the test today and learn more about yourself and your team! Want more tools for your law firm? Visit and subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Pandora, Spotify, or over a dozen other platforms!


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