Our Values-based Behaviours_Session 5_Managers Guide

Session structure 2. Developing my behaviours continued...

Session aim To consider and share how as individuals we can develop our behaviours and bring our best selves to work


Activity and delivery instructions Developing my best self at work Facilitator note: if yes this would be the ideal opportunity to get them to share first. Ask everyone to refer to their workbook/developing my behaviours section, and from the reflections page take it in turns to share a value-based behaviour area for focus that they see as a priority (either self-awareness, awareness of others or organisational awareness) covering: • What did I believe were my strengths in this area, what evidence did I have? • Where did I think I could improve, what evidence did I have to make me think this? • What difference would it make if I improve this area? And then when moving this to their my behaviours PDP what did their action plan look like for this focus area covering: • What will I do to remain focused and create an improvement? • Why am I focusing on this and how will I know I am improving? • When will I review my progress and who will I involve? Ask: what was their reason for making this focus area a priority in terms of bringing their best self to work? Acknowledge their reflections and praise their action plans and/or ask questions to ensure the action plan is robust, SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely) and thank them for sharing. Facilitator note: If time allows colleagues may have transferred other focus areas to their my behaviours PDP that they may like to share, gain thoughts on. Here’s a resource linked to the SMART acronym to support conversations https://mylearninganchorhanover.org.uk/pluginfile.php/37756/mod_label/ intro/Setting%20SMART%20Objectives.pdf

Supporting tools

Previous workbook from session 4 Pages 10-12


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