Feburary edition - Digital





IMPERIAL TOBACCO Rachel Elliott M: 0458 215 204 E: rachel.elliott@au.imptob.com BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO AUSTRALIA Westfield Drive, Eastgardens NSW 2036 P: 02 9370 1500 W: www.bata.com.au

TELECOMMUNICATIONS TASTEL Robert Hartog L3, 116 Bathurst St, Hobart TAS 7000 M: 0413 099 471 E: robert.hartog@tastel.com.au W: www.tastel.com.au Suite 8, Grand Chancellor Arcade 29 Cameron Street, Launceston TAS 7250 M: 0404 467 578 E: lstellmaker@hostplus.com.au W: www.hostplus.com.au HOSTPLUS HOBART Michael Glidden Level 4, 33 Salamanca Place, Hobart TAS 7000 P: 03 6224 2922 E: mglidden@hostplus.com.au LAUNCESTON Leanne Stellmaker

VEOLIA Martin Robinson 95 Kennedy Dr, Cambridge TAS 7170 M: 0459 836 924 E: martin.robinson@veolia.com WASTE REMOVAL/ ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES TAS GAS Phil Winfield 42 St Leonards Road, Launceston TAS 7250 M: 0400 017 817 E: phil.winfield@tasgas.com.au W: www.tasgas.com.au TAS WATER Stuart Carless 36-42 Charles St, Launceston TAS 7250 P: 03 6237 8396 E: stuart.carless@taswater.com.au W: www.taswater.com.au

Philip Morris Ben Meredith

E: ben.meredith@pmi.com W: www.pmiscience.com


TOURISM INDUSTRY COUNCIL TASMANIA Luke Martin PO Box 2158, Hobart TAS 7001 P: 03 6224 1930

E: info@tict.com.au W: www.tict.com.au

TOURISM TASMANIA John Fitzgerald L3, Executive Blding, 15 Murray St, Hobart TAS 7000 P: 03 6230 8235 E: reception@tourism.tasmania.gov.au W: www.tourismtasmania.com.au

Time sheet books and crowd control registers are available at special prices to our members: Crowd Control Registers - $20 each Time Sheet Books - $15 each

Please call the office of the Tasmanian Hospitality Association on 6220 7300 or email Hayley on hayley@tha.asn.au to place your order.

30 enquiries@tha.asn.au 03 6220 7300

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