Livre Blanc Edition 2019

tools obliges regulators to set up efficient control procedures. Likewise, all the regulators who collect data and save it will have in the near future a deposit of information and knowledge, because the «Data» which is stored today, will be knowledge and therefore a means to control and monitor market operators, know customer behavior and invent new products and services. Regulators therefore have an important mission to fulfill. This is a big question that accompanies technological development, because cybercrime has today become an industry that brews very large amounts of money annually. There are also many companies that have experienced great difficulties due to the theft of their customer data or files, for example. Each company, each institution or even each individual in society must be aware of this problem. I will wear for a moment my «AUSIM» hat (Mohamed Saad is president of the Moroccan Association of information systems users in Morocco, ed) to indicate that we do a lot of work to raise public’s awareness, the companies, students, etc.

White Paper on innovation and technology at the service of finance


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