Livre Blanc Edition 2019

We publish White Papers annually and organize events to stay in this awareness-raising process. Similarly, one of the major axes of the Digital Development Agency is to use the Net in a governed, ethical and transparent manner. Thus, all these actions will ensure that the individual, the company or the administration will be aware of the technological risks of today’s society, and will put in place the tools necessary to mitigate these risks. Statistics show that in New York, at the beginning of the 19th century, there were nearly 100,000 farriers because people used horses to get around. After the advent of cars, these people changed their jobs. It is due to a rupture or an innovation that people change or modify their activities, and may adopt new professions and new activities. Today we are talking about this rare skill which is the «Data Scientist» which we cannot easily find on the market. We imagine then that with the proliferation of these technologies, we will invent new trades, new activities and new companies that will be able to meet the challenges of the next centuries.

White Paper on innovation and technology at the service of finance


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