Livre Blanc Edition 2019

Furthermore, for the authority, innovation is an opportunity for the development of the capital market, and a tool for financial inclusion. However, there are very important aspects, such as financial stability, which necessitate collaboration between legislators, regulators and all market players in order to study the stakes and the impacts of the use of Fintechs, blockchains, etc. with regard to the risks relating to cybercrimes and cyber attacks... Since we are talking about Suptech and Regtech, the design of the legislative and regulatory system now follows an agile approach which consists in fixing the main principles at the level of the laws while referring to the regulatory texts when it is related to the practical and deployment aspects. Thus, the regulation becomes more reactive to market developments in terms of financial innovations and new technologies while ensuring a secure environment necessary for its continuous development.

White Paper on innovation and technology at the service of finance


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