Bank Al-Maghrib, besides its missions, receives a large volume of data which comes from the banking and financial institutions as part of the regulatory reporting or from our partner institutions in the context of preparing economic surveys and / or statistics that the Bank publish periodically. Banking sector data represents an important part of all the received data and consists mainly of data from information and banking supervision centers and consists in particular of financial statements, prudential statements and some indicators. These statements and reports are received at frequencies and pace, defined according to the type and nature of the information and the establishment. For the data collection from the banking system, the Bank has set up standardized exchange mechanisms defined according to technical notices shared with the market. These mechanisms aim to automate the stages of collection and verification of received data. Today, the Bank is exploring the possibilities offered by new technologies for improving this process through innovative approaches. The use of APIs for
White Paper on innovation and technology at the service of finance
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