Session structure 4. Building trust
Session aim To explore how trust supports open and honest conversations
Activity and delivery instructions Trust Equation and the importance of open and honest conversations Ask: are you always 100% honest (be honest with yourself)? • If no – why is this? • How does this help the individual? Acknowledge their thoughts Ask: why is trust important when having conversations? Look for: • With trust, loyalty is built • With trust and loyalty, a team feel supported • People will listen to you State: with honesty comes trust Ask: had anyone heard of the trust equation before completing the trust equation questionnaire? • Yes - ask if they are happy to cover their previous experience • No - state - developing trust in relationships is based on four key factors: Refer them to workbook and run through the trust equation overview: • The words you use (your credibility) do you believe this person when they speak/if not, why not? • The actions you take (your reliability) does this person deliver on what they promise? • The emotional engagement you have with others (intimacy) do they care about you, if in trouble would you go see them/would they have your back/ support you? • Your motives (your self-orientation or self-interest) who are they doing it for team/you?
Supporting tools Open discussion
Workbook P5
Trust Equation
Credibility (C) Do you believe this person when he/she speaks?
Reliability (R) Does this person deliver on what is promised?
C + R + I SO
Intimacy (I) If you are in trouble, would you go to see this person?
Self Orientation (SO) What is your focus? Is it the team or you?
From your biggest opportunity for improvement options, what one key thing are you going to go away and work on to improve your trust equation? How do you plan to do this?
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