Our Values-based Behaviours_Session 3_Managers Guide

Session structure 4. Building trust continued...

Session aim To explore how trust supports open and honest conversations


Activity and delivery instructions Ask them to think about: • A person that they do not trust and consider how the trust equation applies to that person –which part/s of the equation stands out for them? • What would that person need to do to gain your full trust? State: now let’s start at home Ask: being honest with yourself, prior to completing the questionnaire, running through the trust equation just now and knowing your results from your responses. • Was there a part of the trust equation that you feel you could be better at? • Did the results of the questionnaire match your thoughts? • Were there any surprises? • Do you have any thoughts as to why that might be? Ask: is anyone happy to share their questionnaire result and their thoughts on this Facilitator note: be prepared to share yours if there are no volunteers Ask them to note from their biggest opportunity for improvement options, what one key thing you are you going to go away and work on to improve your trust equation. (Is anyone happy to share) Ask: how could this area of the trust equation impact on you having an honest conversation with someone about a poor behaviour/habit?

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