Our Values-based Behaviours_Session 6_Managers Guide

Session structure 2. Continually keeping our values- based behaviours alive

Session aim To discuss how we can keep them alive outside of the activities


Activity and delivery instructions Living the value-based behaviours State: Firstly, I just want to recap, as we are now halfway through the activities, we: • Had an introduction to the values-based behaviours • Looked at what these looked like in the real world, good and poor demonstrations of these and to the role body language plays in how we display these • Discussed the impact of accepting poor behaviours ”It’s just the way they are”, building trust and encouraging behavioural conversations • Reflected on our own behaviours, “It’s just the way I am”, considered strategies to bring ‘your best self to work’ and areas for development • Engaged in a bigger piece of reflection in how, as individuals and a team, we have moved forward, discussed how we could overcome barriers to behavioral change and created a my behaviours personal development plan (PDP). There has been lots of great conversations and realisation amongst us and in this session we’ll focus on: • How we keep this alive so that we are all living and breathing the values- based behaviours outside of these activities too • Where you see yourself now from the first activity • And shift the focus to how these sessions can support you in your development and or career progression. Activity: Workbooks Ask each person to note in their workbook how they have been embedding the values-based behaviours so far: • Themselves • And through others. And their thoughts on how else they can keep them alive going forward. Add: We’ll complete agreed commitments next as a group. Regroup - ask each person to share either one or both of their examples and their thoughts on keeping this alive going forward.

Supporting tools Open discussion

Workbook Page 2

How have you been embedding the values-based behaviours so far:


Through others

How else can you keep them alive going forward?

Agreed commitments


Open discussion


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