
24B — August 25 - September 14, 2017 — Green Buildings — M id A tlantic

Real Estate Journal


G reen B uildings

ORONTO and NY — Peak Power Inc. , an energy storage service Platform to be deployed on 6 MWh of customer sited energy storage systems Peak Power awarded $1.9m from Sustainable Development Technology Canada T and New York. The total value of project is $5.4 million.

in Canada that recognize the changes that are happening in the energy markets." said Derek Lim Soo , CEO of Peak Power. "We are delighted to receive the financial support from SDTC for this project, that will enable much needed showcase projects to help ac- celerate the market adoption for customer sited energy storage." "Sustainable Development Technology Canada is very proud to support the com- mercialization of Peak Pow- er's innovative technology," said Leah Lawrence , SDTC

as the aggregation of numer- ous sites into a Virtual Pow- er Plant for participation in wholesale electricity markets. This project will also receive contributions from consortium partners: BGIS, a Brookfield Company, Black &McDonald, Alectra, Inc. and National Re- search Council Canada. "Our project is supported by strong consortium partners that represent an important cross section of the energy storage value chain which include some of the leading thought leaders amongst fa- cility managers and utilities

president and chief executive officer. "This project will cre- ate green jobs for the local economy, increase efficiency in the sector and provide economic and environmental benefits for all Canadians." n MGKF’s Bender & Moshang present during panel Philadelphia, PA — Manko, Gold, Katcher & Fox partners Rodd Bender

This project will enable Peak Power to scale and deploy its Peak SYNERGYTM controls platform, a proprietary system that optimizes the operation of energy storage systems to maximize the potential ben- efits for both building owners and utilities. Peak Power's software responds to market signals and predicts the most efficient times to charge and discharge the battery. The software enables the stacking of numerous revenue streams for individual sites as well

provider has been select- ed to receive $1.9 million o f f und i ng f r om Sus - tainable De- velopment T e c h n o l - ogy Canada

Derek Lim Soo

(SDTC) to support the scale up of their Peak SYNERGYTM controls platform across six customer sited energy storage projects in Ontario, Canada

and Nicole Mo s h a n g p r e s e n t e d “ E m e r g - ing I ssues in Environ- mental Law: Imp a c t i ng Real Estate Acquisition, D e v e l o p - me n t a n d Ownership,” o n T u e s - day August 8 , 2 0 1 7 . Y o l a n d a Rodriguez , a s s i s t a n t vice presi-

Rodd Bender

Since 1988


Nicole Moshang

Real Estate Environmental Assessments ¾ Phase I/II Site Assessments ¾ Soil and Groundwater Investigation ¾ Remediation Services ¾ Wetland Delineation and Mitigation Brownfields Redevelopment Services ¾ Voluntary Cleanup Program Assistance ¾ PA Act 2, NJ ISRA, EPA Superfund ¾ Remedial Investigations ¾ Design and Construction ¾ Storage Tank Removals ¾ Clean Fill Environmental Engineering ¾ Landfill Design and Closure ¾ Water and Wastewater Engineering ¾ Soil and Erosion Control Plans ¾ Litigation Support/Expert Testimony Indoor Air Quality ¾ Asbestos Surveys, Management, and Abatement ¾ Lead Based Paint Management ¾ Mold Surveys and Remediation Stormwater Services ¾ Best Management Practices ¾ Problem Investigations/Evaluations ¾ Expert Services

dent and counsel at Toll Brothers, Inc. rounded out the panel. The program was part of the one-day Ethics, Real Estate, Contracts & Commercial Law CLE In- stitute in King of Prussia sponsored by the Greater Philadelphia Chapter of the Association of Corpo- rate Counsel (ACC) . The presentation provided the audience with an update on new and emerging issues affecting the acquisition, ownership and redevelop- ment of contaminated prop- erties. The discussion pri- marily focused on new state and federal vapor intrusion investigation and cleanup requirements. The panel- ists also provided informa- tion on recent revisions to Pennsylvania’s Act 2 cleanup standards and the manage- ment of fill materials during construction. Through use of a hypothetical real estate transaction and redevelop- ment project, the program ex- plored strategies to manage potential on-site and off-site liability risks associated with vapor intrusion concerns, re- vised cleanup standards, and the use of fill, as well as best practices for transactional due diligence. n

TK Budd Facility Redevelopment Revitalization Call Us When You Need US Gary Brown, L.S.R.P, P.E. 800-725-0593 Walter Hungarter, P.E. 610-265-1510 Justin Lauterbach, Q.E.P. 724-288-4895 Chris Ward, L.S.R.P 856-467-2276 Call Us When You Need Us! 856-467-2276 Gary Brown, L.S.R.P. Chris Ward, L.S.R.P. Glenn Graham, P.G. RTENV@RTENV.COM

FAST TURNAROUND TRANSACTION DUE DILIGENCE Water > Wastewater > Cleanups > Utilities > Permits > Marcellus Shale

Corporate Office 215 W. Church Road King of Prussia, PA 19406 Phone: (610) 265-1510 Fax: (610) 265-0687

SW Pennsylvania Office 591 E. Maiden Street Washington, PA 15301 Phone: 724-206-0348 Fax: 724-206-0380

New Jersey Office Pureland Complex, Suite 306 510 Heron Dr., PO Box 521 Bridgeport, NJ 08014 Phone: (856) 467-2276 Fax: (856) 467-3476

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