Summer term curriculum maps 2020

Maths During the summer term the children will revisit the 2, 5 and 10 times tables and will use arrays and number lines to help them. They will move onto doubling single digit numbers e.g. double 4. This will lead them nicely onto division where the children will need to share an amount equally to find the answer. Fractions will follow after which we will support the children when learning position and direction as well as time. The children will be looking at halves and quarters in order to be able ƚo ͚moǀe a qƵarƚer ƚƵrn͛ or read a clock ƚo ͚ƚhe hoƵr͛ or ͚half an hoƵr͛͘ The ƚerm ǁill end ǁiƚh moneLJ ǁhere ƚhe children will learn about coins and notes, their appearance and value. They will be comparing the value of coins and notes as well as adding them together. Music Summer 1 focuses on children using their imagination. Each lesson begins with children appraising a variety of music Warm-up games help children to develop their ƵnderƐƚanding of ͚pƵlƐe͕͛ ͚rhLJƚhm͛ and ͚piƚch͛͘ Children pracƚiƐe and learn ƚhe Ɛong ͚YoƵr Imaginaƚion͛ oǀer ƚhe course of the half term ʹ dividing singing into parts, creating a class composition and adding glockenspiels to accompany the song. Summer 2 ͕ ͚Reflecƚ͕ Reǁind and ReplaLJ͕͛ conƐolidaƚeƐ ƚhe learning that has occurred during the year. Children will have the opportunity to perform all of their favourite songs, with a more in-depth understanding of the composition of music. Geography Children will learn the four countries and capital cities of the United Kingdom as well as the surrounding seas. They will use maps and atlases to support their learning and will look at how they can produce a simple key to provide information. Through the use of pictures and field work, the children will compare and contrast local landscapes with other areas of Britain, widening their geographical vocabulary of physical and human features. ThroƵgh oƵr ͚FƵr͕ Feaƚher and FinƐ͛ topic, the children will learn about animal habitats and how they provide for the animals that live there.

Science Summer 1- Children will be exploring the parts of the human body and the five different senses. Children will be able to identify which body part relates to which sense. Summer 2- In this half term, the children will be introduced to categorising animals into the groups they belong to as well as describing and comparing common animals. The children will have an understanding of scientific vocabulary surrounding the diet of the animals such as herbivore, omnivore and carnivores. In addition, children will be able to match the animal to their habitats. questioning them about what they have read. There are lots of useful links on our class page to ƐƵpporƚ LJoƵr child͛Ɛ learning in phonics, and when they are writing words, do remember to quiz them on whether they have used the correct spelling e.g. Have they ƵƐed ƚhe correcƚ ͚ ie ͛ Ɛpelling in ͚ƚime͍͛ English OƵr UniƚƐ of Wriƚing ǁill be baƐed on ͚The Rainboǁ FiƐh͕͛ a ƐƚorLJ of friendship; an informaƚion ƚedžƚ enƚiƚled ͚MLJ Dog Joe͛ and a ƚale called ͚LoƐƚ and FoƵnd͛͘ Toolkits for each unit will be created with the children so that they are familiar with the structure of each text type. We will continue including 2A sentences in our writing and ƐenƚenceƐ ƚhaƚ ƵƐe ͚becaƵƐe͕͛ ͚or͕͛ ͚bƵƚ͕͛ and ͚Ɛo͛͘ We will look at using more ambitious sentence starters and will revisit the punctuation associated with speech, question and exclamation sentences. In Summer 2 we will introduce the use of similes and the use of sub-headings when writing an information text. We will alƐo look aƚ adding ƚhe ƐƵffidžeƐ ͚ed͕͛ ͚ing͕ ͚er͛ and ͚eƐƚ͛ ƚo ǁordƐ͕ and ͚Ɛ͛ and ͚eƐ͛ ǁhen Ɛpelling plƵralƐ͘ Please continue to keep up the spelling practise and try to read regularly with your child,

The Federation of Abbey Infant & Junior School Curriculum Map for Year 1 2019-20 - Summer term For specific class information see For dates see Our topic for Summer ϭ is entitled ͚Home and Away͛͘ Summer Ϯ makes way for our topic of ͚Fur, Feather and Fins͛͘ Through these topics we will be linking our Science, Art and Geography. Our Summer 1 focus is about developing knowledge and understanding of the United Kingdom and the children͛s own locality͘ Through this they will also learn and use vocabulary related to human and physical features. ͚Fur, Feather and Fins͛, is all about knowing and understanding common animals͘ The children will be naming, identifying, grouping and classifying and through our Geography lessons, will learn about animal habitats. Our trip to Clent Hills will provide the children with valuable first hand observation which will enhance their geographical knowledge and understanding. A visit from the animal man will be a super kick- start to our ͚Fur, Feather and Fins͛ topic and a trip to ͚All Things Wild͛ near Evesham will be a great visit to boost and consolidate the children͛s learning͘ We will be holding a design inspired session for parents/carers to attend. In Summer 2, as part of our learning around animals we would like to invite parents to a creative sewing session. Children will work with their adult to sew and decorate a felt fish, using their own design.

PE In PE this term our areas of learning are athletics and games. They will be practising their throwing, catching and aiming skills, whilst also looking how to send and receive, with control, different equipment in different ways, such as rolling, hitting, throwing and kicking. The children will be playing small group and whole class games. Through these they will be developing their partner work and teamwork and will use them as an opportunity to implement and practise simple tactics. The children will be i n ƚrodƵced ƚo ƚhe ƚermƐ ͚opponenƚ͛ and ͚ƚeam - maƚe͛

History As our History skills have been taught through our Autumn and Spring topics, Geography will be our main focus for the summer term. Art & Design We will begin with a focus on further developing the children͛Ɛ draǁing ƐkillƐ͘ They will look at how using a grid can help them to draw from observation and through this will look at line, shape and adding tone, using graded pencils. They will experiment with applying different pressures to achieve bold or soft lines. Faƚher͛Ɛ DaLJ cardƐ ǁill be made ƵƐing pencil and crayon to create effects, along with tearing, scrunching and rolling of tissue/crepe paper for a mixed-media effect. We will move on to using wire and beads to create a fish sculpture. A clay stand will be made so that the children can proudly present their sculpture. To complete our art, the children will apply their painting, colour mixing and mark-making skills to painƚ an animal linked ƚo oƵr ͚FƵr͕ Feaƚher and FinƐ͛ ƚ opic. Throughout our art sessions, we will be encouraging the children to become independent artists, by being able to recall the equipment they will need, along with helping to prepare and clear away their area.

Computing Children will make comparisons between audio stories and paper-based books. They will choose a Traditional Tale as a focus for their work. Sound effects can often enhance an audio story, so children will work together to create and record their own sound effects using their voices, instruments and even their bodies! They will then explore how to use recording equipment and will learn top tips on how to make a good recording. Children will understand how to save and retrieve their sounds, to add to their traditional story. Finally, they will record themselves reading their chosen Traditional Tale, enhanced with their own sound effects. Religious Education We will start with a focus on learning about the Islamic faith. Children will understand the importance of the Prophet Muhammed for Muslims and how this guides their beliefs and actions. We will then move on to Christianity, learning aboƵƚ ƚhe GoƐpel of JeƐƵƐ meaning ͚good neǁƐ͛͘ Time will be spent looking at what some Bible stories mean to Christians and how forgiveness, peace and friendship are key values. Both studies will provide the children with opportunities to compare and make connections to stories and beliefs from other religions.

Life skills, soft skills and bucket list experiences Life Skills Fasten buttons Holding and using a knife and fork properly Knowing first line of address Making toast Bucket List Walk up a hill to have a picnic. Visit from animal man Trip to a zoo Soft Skills Creativity, problem solving, teamwork, making decisions, leadership skills, communication, accepting responsibility

Design Technology DeƐign and ƚechnologLJ ƐkillƐ ǁill be addreƐƐed ƚhroƵgh Ɛome of oƵr arƚ acƚiǀiƚieƐ͘ ThiƐ inclƵdeƐ ƚhe rolling͕ folding and ƚearing of paper ƚo creaƚe effecƚ͕ and making ƐƚrƵcƚƵreƐ more Ɛƚable Ɛo ƚheLJ are freeƐƚanding͕ ƐƵch aƐ ƚhe ƵƐe of a claLJ baƐe for ƚheir fiƐh ƐcƵlpƚƵreƐ͘ Children ǁill creaƚe ƚheir oǁn fiƐh deƐign on paper͘ ThiƐ deƐign ǁill ƚhen be ƵƐed dƵring ƚhe ͚inƐpire daLJ͕͛ ǁhere adƵlƚƐ ǁill be ǁorking ǁiƚh ƚheir child ƚo Ɛeǁ and decoraƚe a felƚ fiƐh͘

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