

Quilters to meet The Cornwall Quilters Guild will hold their monthly meeting on Monday, March 18, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. in St. Matthews Lu- theran Church Hall located at 1509 Sec- ond Street West, Cornwall. Nomination meeting Brian Lynch, president of the Stormont- Dundas-South Glengarry Provincial NDP riding association, has announced that the local provincial NDP riding association will be holding their nomination meet- ing on Wednesday March 27 at 7:30 p.m. at the Navy Veterans Association, 30 Sixth St., E., Cornwall. Everyone is welcome to attend the NDP nomination meeting and AGMs on March 27. La déesse en vous L’Union culturelle des franco-ontari- ennes invite toutes les femmes à venir cé- lébrer la Journée de la femme à la Salle pa- roissiale Sainte-Thérèse située au 1304, rue Lisieux, Cornwall le samedi 9 mars 2013. Le thème est: Libérer la déesse en soi. Des kiosques sont disponibles; vous êtes priées de réserver auprès de Carol-Ann au 613.528.4309; Gisèle au 613.764.5559 ou Réjeanne au 613.675.2489. Smoking issue The Ontario Coalition for Smoke Free Movies, the Youth Ambassadors of the Eastern Ontario Health Unit and Canadian Cancer Society volunteer youth will be hosting a free movie event March 14 for teens between the ages of 13 and 18 to raise awareness of the effects of smoking in movies. The event will be held at 6:30 p.m. at Galaxy Cinemas in Cornwall. Student fundraiser A fundraiser will be held April 6 for Up- per Canada District School Board Student Brody Froats. The 17-year-old was born with Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS), a debil- itating disease that causes obesity, severe muscle atrophy, and heart and respiratory problems. His condition has deteriorated to the point that he has been hospitalized at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern On- tario. The fundraiser will be held at the Matil- da Community Hall in Dixons Corners. Admission is by donation only. Call 613- 543-3841 or 613-543-3983 or email myr- to make res- ervation. Email your coming events to lyse.emond@ // Envoyez vos événements à lyse. communautaire Le lien community link The

Reporter tossed from meeting for T-shirt


In a surreal and perhaps unprecedented move last Monday night, a member of the media was evicted from the council cham- bers at Cornwall city hall. His crime? He was wearing a T-shirt which offended Mayor Bob Kilger. Jamie Gilcig of the news website Cornwall Free News was evicted from the council chambers after refusing to remove his T- shirt which depicted a photo of the mayor on a milk carton with the words “missing”. The mayor, who is responsible for proper decorum in the council chamber, had asked that Gilcig either remove the T-shirt or else leave the chamber. Gilcig refused and threw an invective at the mayor challenging his credibility. At some point, either during or after the exchange, the mayor pressed a panic but- ton at his desk which sends a direct emer- gency signal to the Cornwall Community Police Service next door. As many as seven officers arrived, not knowing what emer- gency they were facing, and sirens of police cars could be heard blaring towards the scene. The police officers cluttered the foyer outside the council chambers as Gilcig pro- tested his removal and demanded to be in- formed what law he had broken or whether he was being charged. At one point, an offi- cer appeared to interact with people inside the mayor’s office while the council meet- ing continued inside.

Photo Greg Kielec

A member of the Cornwall Community Police Service explains to Jamie Gilcig of the Cornwall Free News what justification Mayor Bob Kilger used to evict him from a council meeting last Monday, while one of at least six other officers on hand look on in this screen capture of video fromThe Cornwall Free News.

It appears the officer was consulting with either Kilger, CAO Norm Levac, or both of them, who retired to the mayor’s office, ap- parently to determine what legal justifica- tion Kilger had to expel Gilcig. Councillors Glen Grant and Denis Carr took turns chair- ing the meeting in the absence of the mayor. The police officer who initially entered the council chambers to remove Gilcig told him that he was trespassing, a highly unusual ac- cusation because the council chamber is a public place in which media and the public regularly attend to view the action of coun- cil. In the end, after at least 20 minutes, Gilcig

was told the mayor cited a section of the Ontario Municipal Act – an act which also governs proper conduct of councillors and the public during council meetings – which gave him the authority to evict Gilcig from the council chamber for “improper conduct”. Not one member of council stood of in defence of Gilcig or his right to freedom of expression as he was evicted from the public chamber. In a side note, Councillor Syd Gardiner was accused of destroying signs made by pro- testers attending the meeting. The owners of the signs have asked police that Gardiner be charged in connection with that incident. The Journal emailed a request to Kilger Friday morning to further explain his role in the expulsion of Gilcig as well as his role in maintaining decorum and order in the coun- cil chambers. As of press deadline Monday, he still had not replied. “This whole experience has been over- whelming,” wrote Gilcig, in an emailed re- sponse to The Journal requesting his reac- tion to the event. “It shouldn’t be about my T-shirt or the mayor impinging on my Charter Rights and Freedoms using the police as a bully tool during anti-bullying week. It should be about his government being held account- able to what’s been going on during his reign as mayor.”

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