Bouncing Forward: Strong Minds for a Healthier Workplace
The Bouncing Forward: Strong Minds for a Healthier Workplace program is running another
course for NSLHD staff in September 2024. Delivered in partnership with Macquarie University
Psychology Masters students, this program highlights the holistic support offered to our front-
line staff.
The workshop includes topics such as stress management, resilience, self-awareness and
promoting a balanced approach to work and personal life. You will gain a toolbox of coping
strategies, establish healthy boundaries around self-care and engage in positive communication
contributing to a constructive, uplifting work environment.
Come and join this fantastic opportunity to learn more about how we can all bounce forward.
Places are limited so enrol now via My Health Learning
Dates: (24 places left)
• Session 1: Thurs 5 th September 2024, 12-2pm
• Session 2: Thurs 12 th September 2024, 12-2pm
• Session 3: Thurs 19 th September 2024, 12-2pm
• Session 4: Thurs 26 th September 2024, 12-2pm
Any further questions, contact
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