King's Business - 1947-05

Ton May Be Surprised to Learn About

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T HERE IS a common saying that every great crisis will produce its own saviour. Ob­ est crisis in world history, and we look for a guide to lead us out of a devastating cycle of disasters. But we seek in vain. There is no man! Because of the lack of leadership in the present critical hour, the think­ ing of the whole world is permeated with a vague, overwhelming sense of impending catastrophe. Amid the crashing chaos that swirls about this moronic, monoxide madness we mis­ name modem civilization, we see a multitude of complex factors mak­ ing for a world cataclysm. The most potent of these is not the atom bomb or the concentration camp. Neither is it biological war­ fare, the crime wave, corrupt politics, liquor, divorce or juvénile delin­ quency, These are but the logical results of a disordered economy, as are war, murder, disease; famine, "hot rods” and idiotic radio shows. Overshadowing all others is the fact that there exists in the world a deadly delusion that these fearful ills may be cured by a synthetic salvation produced by man himself. But we need only to look about us with unbiased minds to observe the impotency of man. How he has missed the boat! No single man or group of men, with all of their vaunted education and scientific skills, have been able to even ap­ proach a solution to the world’s ills. When a man is sick, he calls a com­ petent physician to diagnose and prescribe for his difficulty. The sick cosmos needs a doctor, right now! Ah, yes, there are thousands of quacks, fakers, ignorant and unscru­ pulous practitioners offering advice (for a fee, that is), but the patient is dying. The only hope for the world is a proper diagnosis and correct remedy, so our first effort is to find a good physician whose experience is sufficient to meet the problem. There is such a One—a Great Phy­ sician, a personal God, reliable and infallible, who stands ready, willing and able, to take the case free of charge, but poor benighted man with his finite intelligence will not allow Him to do it. 11113. parallels the in­ credible story of the Hungarian phy­ sician, Ignatz Semmelweiss, who MAY, 1947

proved that sepsis was the cause of childbed fever, which was exacting such a frightful toll of life in the local hospitals. Yet, despite his amazing discovery and magnificent results in reducing the mother mor­ tality by antiseptic methods, his jealous superiors and colleagues re­ jected his findings and persecuted him to despair. The remedy was at hand and they shut their eyes. Similarly, man, jealous of his own puny powers, refuses to turn to the only real source of help for a dying race, and offers instead his own rationalistic remedies. But his diag­ nosis is wrong, for the evil is not of the body, but of the soul. Man is merely treating symptoms, not reaching the underlying malady. The fountainhead of this fatal sick­ ness is sin, for which God alone has the remedy. A ll pseudo-healers, denying sin as a cause, propose mul­ titudinous cures for other ills. The worst of these insipid inanities is the current two dollar prayer to a principle. Any good practitioner of a certain cult will, for a two dollar considera­ tion, pray to divine mind, essence or principle, to heal your sick body. This organization claims that there is no such thing as sickness; it is sup­ posed to be only a figment of one’s imagination. However, the two dol­ lar fee insures that your mind will be freed of that hallucination. Into the whole earth seeps this in­ sidious poison, purveyed by these sordid salesmen of sensual slush. Bold blasphemy! Purporting to ema­ nate from the Word of God, to lend a touch of authenticity to their foolish fabrications, these synthetic saints actually deny the very Christ who is that Word of Truth. These pernicious propagandists prate of love, mind ego and metaphysical metapsychosis. Apostate abraca­ dabra! Meaningless mouthings! Their only purpose is to fortify their own egotistical false beliefs that man is inherently good, a part of the so-called divine mind or prin­ ciple, separate from materiality and the sordid error of sin. This is the lethal logic of false prophets and ministers against whom God’s Word has given warn­ ing: “In vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the command-

Fred H . Field ing

viously, we have come to the great­

ments of men” (Matt. 15:9). “Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind” (Matt. 15:14). ‘There shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them . . And many shall fol­ low their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of” (2 Pet. 2:1, 2). These false teachers have not a shred of evidence to support their fantastic claims. Theirs is a form of godliness, but they deny the power thereof. Being diametrically opposed to the Truth, denying the Blood, their toxic teachings lead only to frustration or false security. And here is the greatest tragedy in this world of woe: So many seeking souls, sitting in darkness and de­ spair and the shadow of deqth, are being engulfed by this counterfeit Christianity. In God’s economy we find two op­ posites of everything: antithesis is the rule. Darkness is opposed to light. Height is over depth, and small against large. There are hot and cold, near and far, up and down, in and out, health and sickness, good and evil, and life and death! Do you believe God? Whereas He states in His infallible Word: ‘The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Rom. 6:23), man says, “There is no sin and there is no death.” Who is to be believed— God, or man? The Scriptures also affirm that there are two births and two deaths. You can be bom twice, and die twice. In Revelation it is asserted: “Blessed and holy is h e ... on such the second death hath no power” (Rev. 20:6). Again we read: “The soul that sinneth, it shall die” (Ezek. 18:4). Can you deny death, after this? Is God deceiving us? God’s Holy Word has never been wrong. Believe it, and make sure that you escape that final, fatal sec­ ond death. Turn to that personal God who has “all power in heaven and in earth.” He is no mere prin­ ciple, essence or mind. He sits upon PAGE THIRTEEN

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