King's Business - 1947-05

The Uniqueness of the Message The Christian message is unique.. We preach a Saviour dying In Impo­ tence and shame—not a warrior Messiah flashing His signs from the sky. What a disappointment He was to the Jews! For centuries they had looked for a conquering hero who would build out of their humble nation a mighty world empire. But they would have nothing to do with this condemned and crucified Mes- ’ siah! The Greek, when he heard the message, esteemed it foolishness. In his worldly wisdom, he derided the story of the cross. There are those today who say our message is fool­ ishness, and regard it as a sedative for a few weak-minded individuals who know no better than to believe it. We cannot emphasize too strongly that a crucified Christ is the heart of our message. The atonement is the center and secret of all Christian life and power. Christ did for men what they could not do for themselves. By the sac­ rifice of His own life, He paid our debt of sin. He laid down His life for His people. He bore the condem­ nation of our sins. Through His shed blood, salvation from sin was pro­ vided. To take away the cross with its dying Christ is to remove all hope of redemption. Thm Superiority of the Message The Christian message is superior to all religions. It provides for all of the spiritual needs of men. It is uni­ versally adapted to all mankind. There are those who claim that the taking of the Christian religion to non-Christian lands is unnecessary. They state: "These people already have their own religions—not the equal of Christianity, to be sure, but these native religions are sufficient for them.” The real tragedy is that hundreds of millions of these people are the poor, enslaved victims of re­ ligions which degrade, demoralize, and bind them in the mpst pitiable forms of slavery. Yet, the Gospel, the message we proclaim, has proved everywhere its fitness for the peoples of all tribes, lands and nations— from the most degraded to the most advanced. Do we not often hear of some bitter Moslem turning to worship the Son of God, of some proud Brahmin counting “all things but loss for the excellency of the knowl­ edge of Christ Jesus,” and of some poor pagan cleansed from loathsome vice and superstition? This message is a religion for man as man. Its principles are as universal as the race. Our greatest needs are recon­ ciliation and redemption. These are provided in God’s self-sacrifice. Nothing essential to man’s spiritual welfare is omitted. Even the lowest

f , d m > . Why do you not ask lor the new pamphlet, “Spain v u A I I I is a Mission Field” ? Then you will pray more to r j r I I I I I the 27,000,000 people who in Spain are perishing 10 * i - i ■ ■ u without the Gospel. Prayerfully support this work. S P A N I S H C H R I S T I A N M I S S I O N North American Headquarters R ev. Z aca rla a P. C arle«, B .A ., L .T h ., S .C .T . Founder and D irector 3 Hlllaboro A ven u e, Toronto B, Canada PLAN NOW to spend this summer’s vacation w ith some o f America’s Greatest Theological Teachers. W INONA M .KE SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY, Winona Lake, Indiana------------------- Enlarged Faculty, Variety of Courses, Missionary Aviation For Ministers, Teachers« Missionaries, Sunday School Workers, ^Laymen, Veterans. 20 States, Several Foreign Countries, 25 Churches in 1946 Session. INTERDENOMINATIONAL — THOROUGH — EVANGELICAL 1$47 Session: 2 Semesters, June 25— July 31st. For Prospectus send to tho President. Dr. J. A. Huffman, Winona Lake. Indiana. 35 Rooms Special Rates

A ■Ininury dottar and natiti Orli- tlan nurst p r a t i d much-needtd physical ra­ lla! in fir- off ria.

I met, Or. Themas A. Lambic, mittionary ta Pilotine. A ®uio-foIô fömtßtry

T h e Independent Board for Presbyterian Foreign Miaaion* was organized in 1933 and chartered in 1934 for the specific purpose of establishing and conducting "truly Biblical Missions among all nations. ’ By virtue o f a two-fold objective — a witness to and a witness ¿gainst — it is by no means “ just another Mission Board.” In faithfulness to its God-given ministry, it bears positive testimony to the integrity and sufficiency of the Holy Scriptures as revealing Christ the only way of eternal life and as constituting God’s final and perfect word to man. In loving obedience to that Way and that Word, this Board also stands, an availing testi-

mony against that insidious form of unbelief called “ modernism,” which in our day has so cunningly crept into the Christian Church, spreading through it to many mission lands. There, this “ other gospel, which is not another” has undermined con­ fidence in God's Word, causing many heathen to cast it aside en­ tirely; and giving a stone instead of bread to hungry souls who would find their Saviour. Missionary minded Christians, however, may support this Board with full confidence they promote only that true Gospel which alone saves, and which Christ himself com­ manded his true disciples to preach “ to every creature.”

Board, loyal to the Scriptures we invite you to correspond try, Dept, h.67 - ------

I f you are seeding a Foreign ana to the great commission, direct with The General Secret


h f o r P R E S B Y T E R I A N I F O R E I G N M I S S I O N S

lÎte Independent Board c

Philadelphia 44, Pa., U. S. A.

151 Maplewood Avenue


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