King's Business - 1947-05

Let Us G o Forth DENVER BIBLE COLLEGE Trains undergraduates from all walks of life to become ambassadors of God for the Rocky Mountain area and on mission field s. H ere students study practical

of mankind, when once redeemed, is able, through Christ, to reach the highest possible moral and spiritual development. This message is the power of God. Though the cross appeared to be God’s defeat, it was the mightiest victory of all. It affords power suffi­ cient to cleanse—how dark is the sinner’s stain! It affords power suf­ ficient to forgive—how great is the extent of the sinner’s guilt! It af­ fords power sufficient to save—how hopelessly lost is the sinner! It af­ fords power sufficient to keep—how secure and steadfast is the believer in His everlasting arms! There is no power like this in the heathen and man-made religions. No cult that adulterates Christian truth with heresy, such as Kussellism, Eddy- ism, and Mormonism, has any life- transforming power—neither has so- called liberal preaching. Three young men trained in the new 'theology returned to this coun­ try after a very short term of mis­ sionary service in Japan. When ques­ tioned about the brevity of their stay, they explained that they had discovered that, in the face of all the great needs of the people of Japan, they had no message that could help them. Ah, but the true gospel of the cross of Christ has power! The message is the wisdom of God. Although the world regards it as foolishness, it is only because the world is completely ignorant of the true wisdom of God; its blindness is produced by sin and the devil. Con­ sequently, the lost are designated by Paul as “perishing ones.” The Greeks, who did believe, found in the message the deepest wisdom. Justin Martyr, a philosopher of the second century, after a thorough study of Greek philosophy, became convinced that it did not contain the true knowledge. Turning to Chris­ tianity, he found the truth, and, clad in his philosopher’s cloak, he went about discussing with men the truths of Christianity, in the hope of bring­ ing the educated classes to accept the Gospel. Look! See the Man! He is lifted upon a cross with arms outstretched. There is a frenzied and raging mob reviling Him. His whole body quivers with pain; He is bleeding and suf­ fering; He is stricken and smitten of men. Hear His cry of agonizing heartbreak in His horrible loneli­ ness: “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" As you gaze with horror upon the scene, remember that this is our message. We do not proclaim an­ other system of tenets and creeds to be believed with the mind, or deeds to be performed. We proclaim proud­ ly, gladly and with all confidence a suffering, crucified, dying Saviour! MAY, 1947

theology, coupled with a broad general education, with conservative and evan­ gelistic emphasis. Broad Educational Offerings... New 1947 major in English and minor in Music. 4-year Liberal Arts coarse leading to an A. B. 2-year Theological course leading to TH. B. a ls o . . . 1, 2, 3 and 4 year Bible Institute diploma courses. Expansion A im s...

T o enlarge facilities for a rapidly growing student body, including erection of radio station to broadcast the unsearchable riches of the Gospel. T o win a wider circle of friends, donors, prayer partners and benefactors. ★ Write today for complete catalogue to— DR. SAM BRADFORD, Pres., or DR. HALE V. DAVIS, Executive V. Pres. Go Yo Into A ll the W o rld " M ible Colege THE CHRISTIAN COLLEGE OF THE MOUNTAIN AND GREAT PLAINS AREA 2011 Olenerm Place Dept. KB Denver S, Colorado "WHAT EVERY NEW CONVERT SHOULD KNOW" By John H. Bostrom A little book written expressly for the one who has just accepted Christ as his Saviour, telling him how to meet doubts, temptations, opposition, etc. Now being used by 18 different denominational Attractive cover, 32 pages (3%"x6') $6.75 hundred, $1.00 doz., 10c each. BOSTROM PUBLICATIONS 450-B, Avenue 64, Pasadena 2, Calif.

7 m / DVBS Prospectus! Please send me the free Daily Vaca­ tion Bible School prospectus giving full information about Standard’s ' courses for Kindergarten, Primary, Junior and Intermediate ages. Name ______________________________________ Address ____________________________________ City _______________________ State ___________ Name of Church _________ ... — The Standard Publishing Co. 20 E o it Central Parkw ay Cincinnati 10, Ohio

A King's Business subscription makes a good birthday present

Thank God for such a message! There is power in it to meet every need of our hearts and lives. The power of God to save you is in it. If you have not done so before, will you accept this message, and, with contrition and repentance, trust the living Christ as your Saviour? Then this redeeming, cleansing, and en­ abling power will become operative in your soul.


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