King's Business - 1947-05

Q u S i A u t h o r lU i i M o n th Rev. Vance Havner of Greensboro, North Carolina, is an evangelist, con­ ference speaker, and author; Rev. David W. Ewart is pastor of the West Adams Baptist Church of Los Angeles, California; Mr. Fred H. Fielding is the teacher of the Men’s Bible Class of the Chevy Chase Baptist Church of Glendale, California; Rev. Elvis H. Egge is pastor of the Hickory Street Baptist Church of Dallas, Texas; and Dr. Roy L. Aldrich is president of the Detroit Bible Institute of Detroit, Michigan. Our June number will feature Child Evangelism and Youth Education; skilled workers in these fields will give their reports of God’s marvelous work on behalf of the youth in all lands. Certainly, in these days, when crime is increasing in the ranks of youth, no subjects can be of more im­ portance to the church and to mothers and fathers.

“The new line J have taken has brought me back to the old traditional view about the authorsh ip of several books of Scripture. . . It is not through any ‘dogmatic environment’ but from a sin­ cere con vic tion based on facts, that I joined the ‘con­ temptible minority’ which still believes in the Mosaic authorship o f the Penta­ teuch, and that I have ranked myself among the so-called ‘anti-critics’ in spite of the distinguished divine’s proph­ ecy, ‘The signs of the times indicate that in a few years they will disappear as com­ pletely as the slave -hold­ ers’ !”—Dr. Edouard Naville. —ARCHAEOLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT, p. 4.


hands outstretched as if to take of the fruit. Behind one of the figures a serpent stands erect. A discovery of no less interest was made in 1932 by Dr. E. A. Speiser of the University Museum of Penn­ sylvania, when at Tepe Gawra, near Nineveh, he found a seal which he dated from about 3500 B. C. and which is “ strongly suggestive of the Adam and Eve story." The seal, which may be seen at the Museum in Philadelphia, is engraved on stone and is about an inch in diameter. It pictures a man and a woman, un­ clothed except for a headdress, walk­ ing as if utterly downcast. Leering over the shoulder of the woman is a large serpent. Such representations as these, brought to light as they have been from civilizations which carry us back almost to the dawn of human history, will admit only one satisfactory explanation. The fall did occur. The evidence points to the accuracy of the details given in the Bible. A world that is tragically sick unto death adds its confirmation from the present day and joins the evidence of antiquity in an effort to bring man face to face with his need of a Saviour. Next month Dr. Bauman will con­ tinue this discussion of the ancient traditions with regard to the fall o f man. 1. Knopf, “ The Old Testament Speaks/' New York, 1934, pp. 40*41. 2. Hart*Davies, “ The Genesis of Genesis,“ New York, 1932, p. 90. 3. Ibid. 4. Smith, “ The Chaldean Account of Gene­ sis,“ New York, 1932, p. 88. MAY, 1947

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