King's Business - 1947-05


Bible Institute will be present for the summer session. It is urged that pastors plan their vacations to include one or more of these subjects as a refresher course. School teachers and others who can afford to spend the six weeks here are invited to come and enjoy the spiritual and Intellectual refresh­ ment of these classes. High School students are invited to come and get a little taste of what is in store for them when they finish High School and desire to come to Biola. Students who have been accepted for the fall term at Biola are urged to come, if possible, and get a head start on their courses of study. All others who desire to enlarge their knowledge of the Word and to deepen their spiritual life are urged to come. Tuition is free. There is a registra­ tion fee of $10.00 for the term. Rooms may be obtained in the Institute building: single rooms—$19.00 per month; double rooms—$12.50 per person. If interested, write to the Superin­ tendent of Men, or Women, for a descriptive folder. Address corre­ spondence to: Superintendent of Men, or Women, The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, 558 South Hope Street; Los Angeles 13, California. Tree PROSPECTUS

rpHE FIRST ANNUAL YOUNG •*- PEOPLE’S summer conference of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles is to be held this year at Hume Lake in the high Sierras from July 26 to Au­ gust 2. The Hume Lake conference grounds are located in the heart of the mighty King’s River Canyon, in the midst of some of the most beauti­ ful and rugged scenery to be seen anywhere in the country. This con­ ference is open to all High School and Junior College students. The leaders include members of the faculty of Biola who are qualified in every way to deal with young people’s problems. These faculty members have all had considerable experience in summer camps. They know how to talk to young people in their own language. Among them are Dr. J. Vernon Mc­ Gee, Professor Bernard Ramm, Dr. E. Harlan Fischer, and Miss Leonie Soubirou. Bible Institute students will serve on the staff and contribute to the musical and advisory pro­ gram of the camp. From every in­ dication, this will be one of the most outstanding Pacific coast young peo­ ple’s conferences of the entire sum­ mer season. The costs will be kept to a min­ imum in order to accommodate as many as possible. If information is desired, write to Dr. S. H. Suther­ land, Dean of the Bible Institute, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 13, California. If you are a pastor, and are de­ sirous of getting your young people interested in the Bible Institute of Los Angeles and acquainted with the members of the faculty, here is a splendid way to give them this opportunity. Special rates will be given to you and to all pastors and their families who bring groups of young people to the conference. If you are interested, kindly communi­ cate with Dr. Sutherland as soon as possible. Folders and other informa­ tive material will be sent upon re­ quest. SUMMER SCHOOL rpHE 1947 BIOLA SUMMER SCHOOL * will be held from Monday, June 16 through Wednesday, July 25. A most interesting and profitable cur­ riculum has been arranged including Systematic Theology (The Doctrine of God); Exposition of Hebrews; Bible Geography; Departmental Spe­ cialization; Church History; Scripture Word Study; Homiletics; and Ele­ mentary Conducting. Private lessons in vocal and all types of instru­ mental music will also be provided. Most of the regular faculty of the

For tho eighth contocutlvo yoor ScHptvro Pros» pro* fonts to you fho fully pro* grammod AU BIBLE VA­ CATION SCHOOL LES­ SONS. NotJust louon out* flnot only, out ovorything for ovorv hour... of ovory dtfy. ••lowofts,handwork, tongs, special footvroi. And best Of oil It IsChrist- centered Intheme. Oof roody now to oven* \gUllze boys and girls this tvnunor In your church neighborhood.Actnow.. .• sign ond dip tho coupon bolow . • . ond tho now 1947 DVSS IDEA BOOK If oil yours. Ifs chock fefl of information . .. sample lessons • • • questions ond answers •• «tips for DVBS workers • . • promotion Ideas • • • ond DVIS supply features.

eu» »en#oi 1 1 aoain • PLANNINO TO V ÌI TUI A U • l» if VACATION fCMOOll I f « Iff. IT*f fO C L fA t... CONO ff ...A N » COM PUTI!

w h y y w iheuld c»ntldw Hi* AU BIMI VACATION SCHOOL LISSONS I. Ctmßltltly UU» imStrtJ mime 3. W f a k iH A Wmrk Iw t i 1 Sttmdatlaf f.p it.rt Mwwrw/l 4. twpwrwl* «I Ith r w d érpmlmmt t tgimtr, Primwry,Jrtwiwr, lntwwj.1 5. C n ni id i l l i d w L r.t m lh> F R E E I D E A B O O K T m I 1ml im it mm ym ran W f ms IDtA BOOK. ^m e Street A No. or R . S. P .

Nursery Graded 1 nMst«”" I f o u r ç p ç Wvtiioot[ i WM m WI vUU I

— Post Office_______________ __________________________— Cby Zone (If —y) *tete My church Check this sqvere Q for a Eroe copy of the new 1947 Scripture Press "Book of Helps'* Catalog. Dept, K B 57 SCRIPTURE PRESS Chicago 10. ill.

Cannon Beach Bible Conference

This 24-page Prospectus fully discusses need for Nursery or Preschool Department, ana early training in the home, and means of realizing desired results. Contains actual samples of pages from Nursery Quarterlies, including brand-new, one-year course; sample i iieture papers; description and il- ustrations of other lessons and materials so successfully used in thousands of schools. Complete Information also sept, upon request, on other Uniform and Closely Graded lessons for entire school. State deportment Address Desk 51. The Standard Publishing Co. 70 lo st Cenltul P arkw ay Cincsnnot« 10, Ok««

"By the Pacific" in the beautiful Northwest. Conferences from July 10th to August 23rd» and Labor Day week-end. Speakers: Bey. J. Vernon McGee» Th.D.» Lin­ coln Ave. Presbyterian Church» Pasadena, Calif., also faculty member of the Bible Insti­ tute of Los Angeles; Rev. James Cuthbertson, Japan Evangelistic Band; Rev. A. J. Harms, Burns Ave. Baptist Church, Detroit, Mich.; Rev. L. K. Maxwell, Prairie Bible Institute, Alberta, Canada; Mr. Bill Cady, "Fishers of Men." Yakima, Wash.; Rev. John Kopp. for­ merly United States Navy Chaplain; Mrs. Helen Duff Baugh, National chairman of the Christian Business and Professional Women. For folder write: Rev. Archie McNeill, Box 398, Cannon Beach, Ore.

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


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