King's Business - 1947-05

SUNDAY SCHOOL ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTRATION By Dr. Louis Entzminger especially prepared for pastors, superintendents and teachers. Regarding: Dr. Entzmin- ger’s new book on Sunday School Organization and Administration, G. Beauchamp Vick, Supt. of Temple Baptist Sunday School, Detroit, Mich., which has the actual average attendance of over 3000, says, “ More than a quarter of a century ago, before I even knew Dr. Entzminger, I heard him frequently referred to as ‘The greatest Sunday School man in the world’.“ Many of the world’s greatest Sunday Schools have been organized or reorganized by him and show the fruitage of his labors. The author has over 35 years’ experience in Sunday School and church building. Every problem that confronts the teacher, superintendent and pastor is carefully and thoroughly explained. These methods will work for any church, anywhere. Discounts will be given on large orders. Price—$1.50 per copy. Send orders to Dr. Louis Entzminger. 408 Throckmorton, Fort Worth, Texas. CRY FROM HUNGRY EUROPE Twenty-four new workers in Poland must be supported; they need New Testaments and Gospel literature in the Polish language. By faith we are planning to open a Polish Bible Institute in Warsaw in October. The other Russian Bible Institutes are going forward with great blessing in Toronto, Canada, and Rosario, Argentina. There is a great need for more workers and Gospel literature in the other countries as well. My heart was greatly moved towards the Slavic people when I saw their hunger both physically and spiritually. They are crying to us for help. Won't you pray and help at this most urgent and needy time?'*—Deyneka. When sending your checks, make payable to the RUSSIAN GOSPEL ASSOCIATION Peter Deyneka, General Director 64 W . Randolph St., Dept. KB-57 Chicago 1, Illinois Every Christian should read “ Stirring Report— What 1 saw and heard on my recent visit to Europe ,“ by Peter Deyneka. Sent free on request. “ Just recently I returned to the United States after visiting Poland, Czechoslovakia, Belgium, France and other countries. I saw their need^and heard their cry for support.

Glenn and Mrs. Lawrence (Doro­ thy McNabney) both of the class of ’42 are engaged in language study in Belgium, and may be addressed at 25 Rue Jacques Jordaens, Bruxelles, Belgique. They have learned more than 1,000 words in French, and Glenn has been asked to preach in one of the churches near where they are studying. This means that they may be able to sail for their field very soon, and thus begin active serv­ ice for the Lord. Air mail is fifteen cents, and will reach them in from five to ten days, while regular mail takes about thirty days. Berlyn and Mrs. Btokely (Edith Menzer T4) who have been working among the Navajo Indians at Oraibi, Arizona, for many years, are much encouraged because over 400 Nava­ jos visited their mission over the holiday season. The weather was pleasant so that they could sleep out of doors, and the special Christmas meetings were well attended. Many were thereby helped in their Chris­ tian life, and there were six confes­ sions of faith. From Jos, Nigeria, headquarters of the Sudan Interior Mission, short notes have been received recently from Laura Best ’35, Mr. and Mrs. H. Duane Owings (Mary Best ’35) who, with their three small children, have arrived in' America. They are living at 316 Mission Road, Glendale 5, California. Gerry Hamlett ’42, formerly on the staff of The King’s Business, is now on the staff of the Niger Press at Jos, Nigeria, West Africa. The Press is printing the Word of God in over forty different languages, and dis­ tributing it to about one hundred and eighty tribes. Approximately seven million pages of Christian literature have been sent out this past year. Gerry is also teaching boys and girls one afternoon a week. Their singing is deafening, but more than anything else, they love to memorize the Scrip­ tures. There are many open doors in the villages round about Jos, and Sunday is the best day of all. Our missionaries among the leper colon­ ies in the Sudan have had many remarkable experiences — pray for them. David Doerk8&n ’27, after serving several years as a missionary in Africa, was ordained to the gospel ministry at Grace Baptist Churchy Modesto, California, in 1938. Fol­ lowing his ordination, he served in several pastorates, and is now chap­ lain of the Los Angeles County Gen­ eral Hospital where he is bringing hope and cheer to many patients. Mrs. Doerksen (Ruth Dunn ’33) is teaching art in the Inglewood Chris­ tian School, 414 S. LaBrea, Ingle­ wood.

Your Vacation

To Attend The Third Annual Sunday School Workers'Conference a t FOREST HOME, CALIF. J U N E 22-28 In The beautiful San Bernardino Mountains A Program of Correlated Training and Spiritual Refreshment b y Miss Henrietta C. Mears and her staff of Specialists in Sunday School Work , Bible Study — Departmental Classes Craft Instruction — Inspiration Total Cost $20.00 ___ IRegistration t

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,n l THE WISE LITTLE BIRD c,is°„s5 Teaches children to know and choose the right. “ Wise Little Bird** is a gripping story of a bird protecting its mate and nest, presenting the Gospel in a very unique manner. Suitable for Grade or Pre-scnool children. Beauti­ fully colored kodachrome slides— 10 o f them in glass binders with illustrated color booklet, $6.00. TABERNACLE SLIDES Through tho CAR

Also available immediately . . , "Barney’s Barrel," IS tildes and accompanying booklet, $9.00. "Little Boat Twlcd Owned,” 10 slidtsand accompanying booklet, $6.00. Slides are not sold without illustrated booklet. GOSPEL SLIDE & FILM SERVICE, 9 2 3 South ly o Street, Tacoma 3 , W ashington SEND NOMONEY: We mail the slides and booklet' to you for 5 days private preview.

MAY, 1947


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