King's Business - 1947-05

Daniel ’34 and Mrs. Schirmer (Amy Talas ’36) full blooded Hop! Indians, working among their own people in Arizona, write of the ill­ ness of their two little girls, Ruthie and Elaine, following the heavy duties in connection with their vari­ ous Christmas programs. There are many discouragements, many long trips to the sick and suffering, but God is blessing and their determina­ tion to spread the gospel is strong. They are now at Hotevilla, Arizona. Jacob P. Kliever ’26 has been serv­ ing the Lord in French Equatorial Africa since October, 1937, working under the Foreign Missionary So­ ciety of the Brethren Church, 1925 E. Fifth St., Long Beach 4, Calif. Jake is in Africa today as a result of personal contact with Charles E. Hurlburt, that rugged pioneer mis­ sionary in the Garden Grove Baptist Church, who not only gave the best years of his life to work in Africa, but who also inspired many young people to give their lives in service to the Lord. Herman J. Baerg ’39 is teaching prophecy and personal evangelism in Tabor Bible School, Dalmeny, Sask., Canada. Mrs. Baerg (Marguer­ ite Hoffman) is teaching voice in the same school, and also in private classes. Jack ’41 and Mrs. Brown (Helen Bradley ’42) have arrived in Los An­ geles for a short stay with Helen’s parents at 428 E. 49th St., Long Beach 5. Jack states he now has on hand 13,000 ft. of lumber for the new buildings to be erected for the Bible camps to be held in Kentucky this summer. They will be speaking at the annual Missionary Conference to be held in the Church of the Open Door the week following Easter, and hope to meet many of their friends at that time. Items of interest come from many former students and graduates serv­ ing the Lord at every point of the compass. • Sarah J. Butter ’34, Oro, Nigeria, home town, Newton, Kan­ sas, is enjoying the blessing of the Lord in her work among the Mos­ lems in the Girls’ Bible School under the supervision of the Sudan Interior Mission. • Linda Kasper, former student, sends greetings from the "African Bush’’ in N. Nigeria, B. W. Africa, thanking God for demonstrat­ ing the truth of Psalm 91:10, in some narrow escapes from greatest difficulties. • Van V. Eddings ’13, calls attention to the fact that a trip through the jungle which in 1926 took four days by mule and canoe, is made in these modem days by air by Charles W. Olvey ’36, in twen­ ty-five minutes! Harold F. Tuggy, former s t u d e n t , in an inters T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

The I.Q. onJEWS andJUDAISM COPYRIGHTRD The BALFOUR DECLARATION By REV. M. ZEIDHAN, B.D., Ph. D. Scott Mission, Toronto, Canada Q. Why it this famous document called the "Belfour Declaration"? A . Because It wet Lord Balfour, at Lord

most powerful military combin' t‘ - - tic world ever has seen. We came to the conclusion It was most vital we should have the sympathy and co-operation of that most remarkable community—the Jews throughout the world. They were helpful in America and even In Russia. We proposed this to the allies. France, Italy, tnc United States, and all the others accepted. I bear testimony to the fact that the Jews responded to appeal which was made. I do not know whether the House realises how much we owe to Dr. Chaim Weixmann, that marvelous scientist. He absolutely saved the British army at a critical moment when a particular Ingredient, essential for our great guns, was abso­ lutely exhausted. This great chemical genius solved the problem, and he was only one of many who rendered great service to the Allied cause.” Q. What should the Christian attitude be toward Jewish aspirations in Palestine? A . Christians are enjoined to pray for the Jewish people (Ps. 122), and do all in their power to ameliorate their suffer­ ing, and treat them in all Christian fair­ ness and mercy; but at the same time, Christians cannot approve any violence, or the encouragement of violence, or any appearance of evil, which is con­ trary to Christian view of the plan of God in the prophetic teaching of the Bible. Q. What Is the teaching of the Scott Mis­ sion in regards to the return of the Jews to Palestine? A . We believe- that God will “ arise and have mercy upon Zion, for the time to favour her, yea, the SET TIME, is come" (Ps. 102), We believe that God has a "set time" for Israel: that He that "scattered" will “ gather" them again only In His “ set time"

President of the Council, who wrote the letter to Lord Rothschild, the Jewish Peer, offering through him to the Jewish people, Palestine as a Jewish National Home. Q. When was that Declaration proclaimed? A . The Balfour Declaration was proclaimed to the world in November, 1917, about a month before the actual capture of Jerusalem by General Allenby. Q . What were the terms of the Balfour Declaration? A . It declared that “ His Majesty’s Govern­ ment views with favour the establish­ ment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use Its best endeavors to facilitate the achieve­ ment of that object; it being under­ stood that nothing shall be done that may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jcwish communi­ ties in Palestine, or the rights and po­ litical status of Jews in any other coun- try.“ Q. How did it come to pass that Great Britain, with the approval of the United States of America, France, Italy, and other nations, made such an offer to the Jewish people In the first place? A . The Right Honourable, the fate David Lloyd George, who was Prime Minister of Great Britain from late In 1916 until 1922, declared that the promise of the National Home by Lord Balfour “ was made at one of the darkest times in the war (of 1914-1918). The French army had mutinied, the Italian army was on the eve of collapse, America had hardly started to come in. There was nothing left but for Great Britain to confront the

N. B.— Those desiring * report ol Bro. Zeidmen’s missionary journey to Poland, write for e free copy of this interesting booklet, which is illustrated with many pictures taken in Poland In Concentration Camps, showing the persecution and execution of Jews. SCOTT MISSION TO THE JEWS Bev. Morris Zeldman, B.D., Ph.D. 726 Bay Street, Toronto 2, Ont., Canada Dear Sir:— In obedience to God’s command to "pray for the peace of Jerusa­ lem,’’ and believing in the promise, “They shall prosper that love thee,” I enclose my freewill offering for the evangelization of the Jews $...................... Please send me, free of charge, literature on Jews and Judaism. My Name (Mr., Mrs. or M iss)............................... My A d d r e s s ........................... ................ _______________________________ __ ________ Brother Zeldman Is open for engagements to lecture on Jews and Judaism in Churches, Bible and Missionary Conferences.


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