King's Business - 1947-05

MORMONS The Mormons (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints so-called) are lost and need the “ Gospel of Christ.»» “ Pray for us»» and help us with your freewill- offerings to reach these needy people with our special written Tracts. W e need thousands of our tracts printed— NOW. Today is sowing TIM E—Tomor­ row precious Mormon souls will go into Eternity without Christ unless we place our tracts in their hands Today. Ques­ tions on Mormonism gladly answered. For information about our work write: American Desert Mission, Inc. P.O. Box 1743 Phoenix, Arizona Taking the “ Gospel of Christ" to the thou­ sands of Mormons by the Printed Page. C D C C to any Evangelical Christian r i s E E i Minister, Sunday School or Missionary Superintendent, one copy of “ PROVE ME NOW HEREW ITH »» for each fam ily in his congregation, providing he will agree to give a talk on Tithing before distribution. W rite stating denom­ ination and number of leaflets desired to: TITHER, 807-K So. Flower St. Los Angeles 14, California WANTED! MISSIONARIES AT HOME Without traveling a mile YOU can send the Gospel anywhere in the world Without ascending a pulpit YOU can spread God’s Word Without saying a word YOU can— comfort the bereaved— correct the erring— strengthen the weak— save the lost— WRITE TODAY

esting letter says of the above facts: "What changes the Lord has wrought in twenty years in Monagas!" These three are working under the Bolivian Indian Mission in Venezuela. That Biola’s graduates make ex­ cellent workers for home offices of various missionary and evangelistic enterprises, as well as foreign mis­ sionaries, is illustrated in a striking way at the Biblical Research Society, 4417 Berenice Ave., Los Angeles 31, of which Dr. David L. Cooper is the president-founder. T h e S o c i e t y , whose stated objective is: “To break down anti-Semitism, and to dissem­ inate facts and truths concerning God and the Messiah," engages main­ ly in the giving of the Word of God to Israel. Dr. Cooper has made a practice of employing Bible Institute students and graduates from the in­ ception of his work. In the early days of the Society, the late Rev. William H. Pike, former Evening School sec­ retary, and Dr. Howard W. Kellogg, former professor at Biola, were field conference speakers for the Society. Dr. Cooper himself was connected with the Institute from 1926-30 as director of the Jewish Department, during which time he wrote his first book for Jews, The Eternal Ood Re­ vealing Himself. At the present time, there are four graduates of Biola on the staff of the Society: Aurora Fluker '24, head secretary; Anna Stamffer '19, secre­ tary; Mrs. Henry Hengstler (Jean Bishop ’26), bookkeeper, and Anna­ bel Lee Crumly ’38, assistant office editor of the Biblical Research Monthly and secretary to Dr. Cooper. In addition to these, a number of other members of Biola Family Cir­ cle who have served on Dr. Cooper’s staff are: Bertie Broyles, Eddie Wag­ ner ’44, Stella (Mrs. Vem.) Hodges, Eleanor Hill-Lynch '40, William T. Lee ’37, Claude Parkhill ’41, Ralph Scoville ’18, Virginia Nickerson ’46, Dorothy Rann and Robert Donahue. With the Lord Meager information has come to the office of the Family Circle con­ cerning the death on January 22 of Wilma Krag Stimpson. Mrs. Stimp- son served on the staff of Biola Music faculty for several years be­ fore her marriage. She had many friends here, and was indeed a most lovable young woman. Funeral serv­ ices were held in Fresno, California, Saturday, January 25. Sincere sym­ pathy to the members of the family. Born To Oral and Mrs. Kintner (Eunice Olson ’43), a son, Stephen Oral, Feb. 3, 1947, at Yakima, Wash. To R. F. and Mrs. Kahle (Mary- Pearl Reinhard ’36) a daughter, Sharon Ruth, July 13, 1946.

THROUGH THE BIBLE STUDY Genesis to Revelation, Chapter by Chapter Dr. Harlin J. Roper, Pastor Scofield Memorial Church For Sunday 8choo1s, Bible Classes. Young People's and Missionary Societies, Vaca­ tion Bible Schools, Prayer Meetings and Home Study. Samples 20c; 4 grades ?5c Complete set $3.00 THROUGH THE BIBLE STUDY I - * * , " 4112 Gaston Avenue Dallas 4, Texas In CALIFORN IA it's FOR V A C A T I O N B IB L E S C H O O L SU PPLIES A poatal bring, large free potter and B IBLE BOOK STORE Caneton E. Null, Inc. 526 Fifteenth St. Oakland 12, Calif. Fam iliar scenes—Reverent in treatment. Full color 2^x2^ slides in Eastman Ready- Mounts .50 ea. S.V.E. Binding .60 ea. Taped glass binding .65 ea. Send for free list. FRED VISSER 139 '/a So. Westmoreland Ave. Ph. FEderal 5008 Los Angeles 4, Calif. Pray regularly for the King's Business, that its message may be used of God SOLVING A BOY'S PROBLEMS What better place for a boy to dis­ cuss his personal problems than in the quiet of a teacher’s dormitory room! Stony Brook’s faculty are selected for their personal Christian faith as well as their scholarship and teach­ ing ability. They want to see their students stand firm for Christ in school and college. They live and work with their boys, not a few hours a day from Monday to Friday, but all day, seven days a week, in the classroom, in the dormitory, on the athletic field. Through daily ex­ ample and precept they endeavor to help their young friends, in all kinds of personal problems, build strong Christian character. A catalogue of Stony Brook School, now completing a quarter century of service to youth, will be sent on re­ quest. Please address the Headmaster. ton yBrook School FRANK B. GABBBL.BIN, Lltt.D., Headmaster Stony Brook, Long Inland, N. Y. Please mention K in g ' s B u s in e s s deicriptlve Hat of materials. KODACHROME Bible Slides

for BIG sample package of assorted t r a c t s including "IE A MISSIONARY AT HOME" and "HOW TO USE TRACTS" only 25c GIANT assortment of 200 different t r a c t s only $1 FAITH, PRAYER AND TRACT LEAGUE Dept. KB

1016 nth St, NW Grand Rapids,.Mich.

MAY, 1947


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