King's Business - 1947-05

truths of eternity as they affect the daily life. Hearts should be united in eternal bonds, not by transient, worldly amusement. F r ie n d s h ip i n t h e C h u r c h 1 Cor. 5:13 The Apostle Paul knew that those who indulge in fleshly lusts are not and cannot be valuable in the church or to Christians. His instructions are to “put them away." Certainly any right thinking person, and I speak now of Christians only, will admit that the temple of God should not be defiled with liquor and tobacco. The Lord’s people should smell like Christians as well as look like Christians. Even the world does not expect God’s children to indulge in the devil’s fare. Some who wear a distinctive religious garb, but have no Saviour, do indulge in the use of both liquor and tobacco, but no one thinks that they are holy men. They have no atmosphere of heaven about them. True Christians do have an atmosphere of God’s presence in their lives. The fact that you are always harp­ ing on something is no indication that you are an angel. THE INDIA MISSION 412 W est 8th S trttt, Elyria, Ohio A Soul-Winntaff, Blbl*■-Teaching Faith Mission Proving Go4*S Faithfulness In Hyderabad State and Central Province* Bible School* training native evangelists A fruitful field of the Lord's provision W rite fo r fu lle r In fo rm a tio n . A PENNY A DAY ! (Not such a large sum to invest for eternity) Will Give Spiritual tight to the Blind H O W ? F o r In fo rm a tio n w rite to THE CH R IST IA N ASSOCIATION FOR THE BUND, INC. 430 E a st 141st Street, New York 54, N. Y. C. E. Gremmels, Pres. J. E. Bennet, Treat

Ju n o 15. 1947 HABITS THAT ENDANGER MY FUTURE P rov . 6 : 6 - 11 ; 23 : 29-35

rpHERE are times when the liquor dealer is a vigorous prohibition­ ist. He wants no liquor served to the pilot of his plane, or to the captain of a ship on which he sails, or to the engineer of the train on which he rides, or to the surgeon who operates on his body. He does not want the policeman who guards his home to be drinking nor does he want the banker who handles his money to be drunk. His future would surely be in danger if liquor were used by any of the above-named people. He de­ mands a clear head on the part of his pilot or surgeon or engineer, for otherwise he is in danger of losing his life. Liquor never accomplishes clear thinking, A godly life, clean, free from alcohol and tobacco, makes for sane and efficient living and for a happy future filled with health and usefulness. We should plan for old age as well as for eternity, by walking with God. K eep t h e B ody R esistible Eph. 6:10 Sometimes the Lord uses a weak and frail body to bring great glory to Himself. This does not very often occur when the body has been de­ stroyed or injured by liquor or to­ bacco. Rather it is the case where disease has invaded the system and laid the person aside for a time. Some of our most beautiful hymns and most delightful poetry have come from shut-ins. Shut out from the world and shut in with God, from this place of seclusion blessed ministry has Issued as a clear cold spring from a dark cavern. We should preserve the body from every influence which would destroy its function and hinder its activity. We cannot always avoid disease, but we can avoid liquor and tobacco, for they do not build or strengthen the body, or make for health and hap­ piness in old age. K eep t h e S o u l R esistible Heb. 13:17 It is the privilege of each person to expose himself fully, freely, and constantly to the holy influence of the Word of God, the Spirit of God, and the people of God. Such con­ tacts bring temporal and eternal blessing. They strengthen the faith, add to the health and blessing ' of the body, and encourage the soul, for what one learns about God’s path and God’s truth affects the body, soul, and spirit. Liquor and tobacco

cause the body to deteriorate and bring confusion to the mind, so that correct conclusions and correct thinking cannot be attained. The soul should be guarded against the influences which surround both of these evil habits. They accompany every kind of sin in the world, but they do not accompany true Chris­ tianity or godly living or Christian service. Let us feed our souls on the things which will make us happy and useful to God and to man. K eep t h e R ecord C lear Acts 6:5 Stephen had the reputation of be­ ing “full of faith and of the Holy Ghost.” Some people have a reputa­ tion for drinking, smoking, and carousing in general. People come to know what we are by what we do and say and the way we live. When people talk about us, they usually mention our principal char­ acteristics. How often good qualities are mentioned and then the sad note added, "But he drinks,” or “But he smokes.” Even the ungodly speak in- a derogatory manner about so-called Christian leaders who indulge in bad habits, for no one expects a godly person to do so. Have you not had the experience of riding or walking along the street and thinking you recognized some Christian friend un­ til you saw smoke floating over his shoulder? Then you knew it was not your friend. The Lord help us to be known by others as those who walk and talk with the King. K eep t h e M in d C lear 2 C or . 10:5 Times of stress and distress call for clear thinking. There are oc­ casions when very difficult decisions must be made and the mind musf be clear and active in order to arrive at proper conclusions. Liquor and tobacco hinder clarity of thought. It cannot be otherwise for these drugs stultify the brain, injure the diges­ tive tract, and poison the blood sup­ ply. The red nose, bleary eyes, stain­ ed fingers, and nervous twitching re­ veal the damaging effect of these two evils. As death approaches, the sinfulness of sin fails to impress the heart and mind of the one whose vision has been clouded by these two snares of the devil. Faith iri the Word of God* trust in Christ Jesus, and surrender to the Holy Spirit keep the mind clear, enable one to think sensibly and to reach right conclusions. TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

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