King's Business - 1947-05

Ju n e 29, 1947 SEEK ING TH INGS FOR KEEPS P sa . 95:1-6


rpHERE is a tendency today among young people to live just for to­ day. The question is asked, “What good is geometry to me?” Another w ill inquire: "Why should I study Latin?” Often the remark is made, “This one drink will do me no harm,” or, “This cigarette will not hurt me.” Those who take this attitude are thinking only of the present. Be­ cause they see no sudden catastrophe result from doing the thing that is wrong, the Indulgence is permitted and encouraged. The Scriptures state: “Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, there­ fore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil.” We should remember that indulgence in bad habits creates permanent in­ juries in the life. The evil results ap­ pear very slowly, but they appear surely. Let us fill our lives with those things which will cause us to rejoice in our later years and fill us with gladness in eternity. L a y a G ood F o u n d a t io n o n G od ’ s W ord . 2 Tim. 2:15 We hardly ever see any life ending on the junk pile that has had a firm foundation laid on the truths of God’s Word. Those who know God’s Word the best, and love the Lord Jesus in sincerity and truth, are saved from the corroding influences of bad habits and the damaging re­ sults of the world’s program. The Word of God promotes every good thing and condemns every bad thing. The Bible always leads one into paths that are profitable for body, soul, and spirit. No one will go astray who has firmly fixed in his heart the teaching of God’s Word. His life is saved, his habits are good, his future is assured, his heart is at peace. Let us lay this good founda­ tion that we may be saved from be­ ing destroyed when the storm falls. Let us build on the solid rock of the Scriptures. S e e k a G ood A p p l ic a t io n to t h e S o u l . P sa . 119:9 One might starve to death in a bakery, or die of disease inside a drug store, if in either case he did not apply that which was at hand. Food must be eaten and medicine must be taken if there are to be re­ sults. So the Word of God must be applied to the heart. We read about trusting Christ Jesus, but we must exercise faith if we are to have eternal life. We read about putting o ff the old man with his desires, but we must do so if we want to live

like Christians should live. We read about putting away lying, but we must do it if we want to become use­ ful, godly Christians. Only the ap­ plication produces the desired re­ sults. Therefore, let us hide the Word of God in our hearts and become doers of the Word, if we desire to be recognized as godly, useful Chris­ tians. S e e k to O b t a in a G ood C o m p r e h e n ­ s io n op G od ’ s P l a n . Acts 8:31 We can hardly expect to conform our lives to God’s program unless we know what His program is. His ways are revealed in His Word; therefore, it is essential that we study His Word and acquaint ourselves with His thoughts. This w ill always have a permanent effect in the soul. When we are old, we will not de­ part from it. The directing hand of our Lord on the life will enable us who are trees of righteousness to grow straight and strong, so that in our latter days we shall be straight and strong. We will conform our­ selves to God’s pattern only as we know what it is. Therefore, we should set about the task of learning from the Scripture God’s way of life and His way of peace. As we do so, we shall be saved from many heart­ breaks and heartaches and we shall become a blessing to others. Surejy that is what each one of us would like to realize. S e e k to O b t a in a G ood R e a l iz a t io n of t h e N eeds of T om o rrow . Amos 4:12 The needs of tomorrow may be realized by a study of the opportu­ nities and possibilities in life as well as by a consideration of the ex­ amples which abound. The Lord speaks of some things we should put off and other things that we should put on. Certainly it is God’s plan that we should be good jewelers or physicians or engineers or farmers or stenographers. He places no pre­ mium on ignorance or inefficiency. We must remember, however, that unless we are godly jewelers, godly physicians, godly engineers, godly farmers, godly stenographers, we shall be Subject to the terrible rav­ ages of sin in its many horrible forms, and may fall into habits that wreck the life and ruin the soul. Therefore, while we study for life’s problems, let us hide the Word of God in our hearts, trust Christ Jesus to save our souls, and look to the Holy Spirit for daily instruction and guidance. T H E I C I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

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