King's Business - 1947-05

What a joyous day it was for the children of Israel! How pleased God was to have His house clean, and to have His people there once again to worship Him!’ Many of the people brought offerings and sacrifices to show their thankfulness for God’s love and their sorrow for their sins. Today God is honored when His people care for their places of wor­ ship. Churches need not cost large sums of money, but they should be kept clean and neat. Boys and girls may help to keep their churches fit places for worship by keeping Bibles, songbooks, and papers o ff the floor, straightening the chairs, bringing flowers and pictures for the rooms, and having a spirit of worship dur­ ing each service. G iu w c U R u l U t u t i Scriptural—Artistically designed Large assortment — Self Selection Lithographed—Special Days— - General Use Be sure to Qet Our Free Catalog and Samplea ECCLESIASTICAL A R T PRESS Dept. K Louisville 12, Ky. STAMMER? This new 118-page book, “Stammering, Its Cause and Correction,” describes the Bogus Unit Method for scientific correction of stammering and stuttering—successful for 48 yean. Free — no obligation. Bogue, Dept. 4778, Indianapolis 4, Ind. Check up on your praying. Read Page 7. Evangelizing Rural America Millions without Christ. W rite for free booklet; “ Behold, What Ood Hath W rought." HOME MISSIONARY SOCIETY, INC. INTERDENOMINATIONAL Box 123, KB. Pasadena 16, Calif. Amoe S. Hedge, Managing Director SACRED PIANO SOLOS “There's » Wideness In Sod's Morey” "Blessed Bo tbs Fountain” "Safe In the Arms oI Jesus" Classical arrangement's. Original introductions. Rich harmonies, Brilliant cadensas. Modula­ tions, Chimes. Suitable for Radio performance. Each. 23c. ALL THREE FOR $1.00 postpaid. Order from GORDON I. HOOKER 558 So. Hope St. Los Angeles 13, Calif. Benjamin N. Circle Tower,

JUNE 8, 1947 MAKING REFORMS SUCCEED 2 K i. 22:10, 11; 23:1-5, 21

out brilliantly against the black ho­ rizon of the coming captivity. In Josi­ ah, we see a king who made an honest endeavor to serve God. He rose above his heredity. No man is saved or lost because of a good or bad parental background. His spir­ itual state depends upon his personal attitude toward God. See John 1:12,13. “The book of the covenant which was found in the house of the Lord” (23:2). A solemn fact is suggested by these words. It is possible for the Word of God to become lost in the house of God. It was so in Josiah’s day and before that time. Through neglect and false teaching, it was set aside until it was no longer a vital part of Israel’s life. It had to be re-discovered. The same thing is possible in the church today. God’s Word may be so neglected for pomp, ceremony or worldly things, and false teaching substituted for its clear truth, that to all practical pur­ poses it becomes a lost Book. There never will be a spiritual revival un­ til this lost Book is re-discovered. "Bring forth . . . the vessels mads for Baal . . . Keep the passover” (28:421). Be f o r e wo rshi p there must be cleansing. The things of Baal cannot dwell with the things of God. This is true in the church. See First Corinthians ll:28, where self-examination is exhorted before worship at the Lord’s Table. It is also true in the individual life. Man cannot worship God with a heart that is full of sin. Compare Psalm 24:3, 4. “In the high places” (23:5). Spirit­ ually these were not high places but low places. Originally, they were all located on elevated places, but a study of them in their ffill develop­ ment reveals that they were utilized for all manner of evil practice in the names of heathen gods. Scrip­ ture and archaeology harmonize In establishing this fact. No wonder then that the prophets thundered against the high places. For the Children J o s ia h a n d t h e L o s t B o o k (2 K in g s 22:1-3, 18,19; 23:1-3, 25) M em o r y V erse : “Give me under­ standing, and I shall keep thy law” (Psa. 119:34). Have you ever played that you were a king? God’s Word tells us of a real king who was only eight years of age! When Josiah, for that was the name of this boy king, became eighteen, he sent word to T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

Outline and Expedition T h e E f f e c t o f t h e L a w ( 2 2 : 10 , 1 1 )

Josiah intended that his kingdom should honor the Lord and obey His commandments. But the law was lost, and none of the leaders knew exactly what would please the Lord. Finally a copy of the law was found in the house of the Lord, and brought to the king. When Josiah heard the words of the law, he "rent his clothes,” in dismay. He recog­ nized how far from God his kingdom had gone. He was convicted of the national sinfulness and distressed over the indifference of the people to God. T h e C o v e n a n t E n t e r e d (23 :1 -5 ) Josiah gathered all the people, with the priests and prophets, and read to them from the Book which had been found. Then he “made a covenant before the Lord," promis­ ing to “keep his commandments,” and perform the terms of the cov­ enant. To make this national change effective, all that pertained to Baal was brought from the house of the Lord and burned, and the idolatrous priests were “put down” and “cast out.” T h e L a w O b se r v e d (2 3 :2 1 ) The Passover, the memorial of the deliverance from Egypt, was the in­ itial sacrifice given by God to His people. It signified that they were to be a special people unto the Lord, separated from all others. It was al­ so a constant reminder to them that they stood before the Lord only up­ on the ground of shed blood. It was the blood that made the difference between them and all other nations and peoples. Remembering this would preserve them from their nat­ ural pride and protect them from associating with other peoples, and thus destroying God’s purpose for them. Alas! what is given to humble the hearts of believers is so often turned into a means of building up their egotism. Points and Problems "When the king had ■heard the words of the book of the law, that he rent his clothes” (22:11). Josiah’s attitude bespeaks a spiritual concern. His reign shines in marked contrast to those of his two predecessors, Manasseh and Amon, and also stands

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