King's Business - 1947-05

JUNE 29,1947 OUR HERITAGE FROM ANCIENT ISRAEL P sa . 119:105; I s a . 2 :2-4; M ic a h 6:1-8

IS THE BIBLE OPEN TO YOU? Why not "Study to show thy­ self approved unto Ood“ t COURSES AVAILABLE IN: • Simple Doctrine . • Advanced Doctrine é Biblical Geography • Old Testament History 4 Bible Chapter Study • Studies in the Gospels • Studies in Acts é Studies in the Epistles • Teacher Training • Personal Christian Work é Prophetic Study • Child Evangelism • Bible Doctrine tor Children Enrollment Pees $1 to $5 BEGIN NOW! Correspondence School Bible Institute of Lot Angeles 658 S. Hope St. Los Angeles 13 New Brooks Books For Tho»e Who Love "TUB BOOK** FEED MY 8HE38F—Latent from the pen of Dr. Keith L. Brooke—& veritable feast In spiritual nuggets from the Bible. Valuable for reference and inspiring to every Bible lover. $1.00 SALVATION AND SOVEREIGN GRACES—Dr. Brooks’ unique and helpful treatment' of the SECURITY question. 80c COUNSEL FROM THE PSALMS — Devotional expositions of the 100 most practical portions of the Psalms—choice Indeed. 50c LESSONS FROM PRIVATE APOSTOLIC LET­ TERS—Dr. Brooks’ rich comments on the neg­ lected short Epistles. 50c O rder toddy Write for list of other new study books American Prophetic League ,lnc. Bex BB, St«. E«glc Reck Let Angeles 41; Do not fail to read the amazing article which begins on Page 8. WHERE PRAYER PREVAILS We believe that the power and effective­ ness of our school will be increased ns more people pray for us. W e w tll te nd the Dooretep Evangel, a fo ur- page m onthly, to yo u regularly if you W ill put tit on y o u r p ra ye r list. W rite today . MULTNOMAH I Y » School of the B I B L E Wlllartf M. Aldrich, Th.D.v Preside»« B. B. Sutcliffe. D. D. John Q. Mitchell, D. D. Chairman of Trustee Board Vles-Presldtnt 703 N .K . M ultnom ah St.» Portland 12, Ore. p a g e f o r t y - f o u r

both parts of the verse to enforce adequately the great truth that the Word of God is the means of spir­ itual guidance which He has pro­ vided for pilgrims in this dark world. No situation ever faces man but that there is a solution tor it in God’s Word. "F o r out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem" (Isa. 9:3). These words are in the midst of a section which is descriptive of the Messianic king­ dom yet to be established “in the last days.’’ That kingdom will cen­ ter, not in London or New York or Moscow, but in Jerusalem. This may appear a bit humiliating to the great powers of earth today; nevertheless it is God’s assertion. That city,, so downtrodden of men through the centuries, will become eventually the capital city of the world, and such cities as the above-mentioned w ill go unto it to learn wisdom. The king­ dom of which it will be the capital will be established (v. 2), exalted (v. 2), attractive (v. 2), Christ-cen­ tered (v. 3), just (v. 4), peaceful (v. 4), universal (w . 2-4) and a king­ dom of light (v. 5). “What doth the Lord require of theet " (Micah 6:8). This question does not concern unsaved people. The an­ swer later on does not have to do with the requirements tor salvation. God’s people are those under consid­ eration in this passage. See verses 3 and 5. The verse before us shows how God’s people ought to live in this world. It sets forth the requirements for a godly testimony. For tbs Children H o n o r in g G o d T o d a y (2 C h r o n ic l e s 5 :1 ; 6:8-21; P s a l m 119:11, 105; M ic a h 6 :8 ) M em o r y V erse : “He [God] w ill teach us of his ways” (Isa. 2:3). God’s people, the Jews, were fre­ quently told to honor Him. Three of the ways in which they honored Him are ways in which we may honor Him today. First, they honored Him with group worship and prayer. When Solomon built the beautiful temple, the people gathered in it to worship and to pray. God tells Christians to remember to assemble (gather) themselves together. Some Chris­ tians say that they do not need to go to church, but this is not true. Just as a coal in the fire needs other coals to keep it alive and burning brightly, Christians need the fellow­ ship with other Christians to keep T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

Outline and Exposition T h e P o sse ssio n o f a P e r f e c t G u id e ( P s a . 119:105) We inherit the Word of God from ancient Israel (Rom. 9:4). That Word is a lamp and a light, in sight and available to all (Luke 8:16). The Holy Spirit uses it to reveal how one should walk and where one should walk. Darkness now covers the earth and Its peoples, but in the midst of the darkness, the Christian has his heritage from ancient Israel —■ a lamp and a light by which he may walk with perfect security and en­ tire satisfaction. T h e P r o m is b o f a P b r f b c t W o r ld ( I s a . 2:2-4) One day, Israel’s government will be at the top of all governments be­ cause of the reign of her King, the Messiah. Other peoples w ill turn to Him at Jerusalem, receive His in­ struction, accept His teaching and declare, “we will walk in his paths.’’ That day will come when Israel’s King returns to this earth and be­ gins His work of Judging between the nations (see marg. reading). He w ill arbitrate their disputes and give equitable decisions in all matters. Then the nations will be done for­ ever with settling difficulties by the force of arms. The implements of warfare w ill become those of peace, and the art of war w ill be forgotten in a perfect world. T h e P a t h T h a t P l b a s e s G o d ( M ic a h 6:1-8) The Lord called His people to re­ turn to Him, and their reply reveals how far they had gone astray. They did not even know what would please Him; they could think of nothing except what would please their idols. But Micah told them plainly what It was the Lord de­ sired. The Lord desired them to do just­ ly, to love mercy, and to walk, humbly with their God. This is not the way to be saved, but the way to walk after being saved, and it is what the Lord desires of His people today. Points and Problems “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path " (Psa. 119:106). Hebrew poetry is noted for its parallelisms. We have a good example in this text. This verse is a synonymous parallelism, that is, the second part of the verse restates or re-emphasizes the first part. It takes

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