King's Business - 1947-05

themselves alive spiritually. The children oi Israel hid God’s Word in their hearts to keep them from sinning. We may honor God by memorizing His Word, for it is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our paths. God said that He was honored when His people were Just, loved mercy, and walked humbly with Him. By honoring God in these same ways today, we can help to bring others to our living Saviour. God’s Word says, "Them that hon­ our me I will honour.’’ God will greatly bless each Christian who honors Him with his time, money, talents, life, worship, prayer, service, and Bible study. Christians cannot afford to neglect to honor God, for failing to honor Him removes many of His blessings from their lives. To honor Him is to earn His bless­ ing and approval in every thought, word and deed. PRAYER LIST Mary Hillis, who went to be with the Lord on June 10, 1946, Buffered as an invalid fo r ten yean. She was a blessing to those who called upon her, and she had a great prayer min­ istry. Here is the A B C prayer list which she followed to the end of her earthly pilgrimage: FOB A ll saints everywhere Bible societies, institutes, seminaries Churches—pastors and people Denominations and other organiza­ tions Evangelists and Bible teachers Fishers of men—personal evangelists Gospel music and musicians Homes in which Christ is exalted Israel as a pattern of man’s needs Jewish work and workers Kings, rulers, and those in authority Letter, tract and colportage ministry Missionaries everywhere Nations that acknowledge God Occidental and Oriental relation­ ships Prayerfulness of God’s people Quickening work of the Holy Spirit Badio ministry Suffering of sick, bereaved, home­ less, hungry Tithers who finance Gospel ministry Universities, colleges and schools Vacation Bible schools and confer­ ences Wayside evangelism Xceptlonal circumstances Youth and child evangelism Zeal of God’s people. MAY, 1947

TRI-STATE BIBLE CONFERENCE A Christ-Centered Vacation Conducted by the Old-Fashioned Gospel Hour Speakers have Included: Armetronq, Bateman. Buewell, Cenant, Frltsch, Oremmele, Keeney. McNeely, Maaeee, Neighbour, Pettlnglll, Philpott, Shepherd, Turnbull, Zeoll and many others. Advantage* of Mountain*, Seashore and Country. Restful, Beautiful, Wonderful Meals, Reasonable Rater. A great program will shortly be announced far this season. Send for free Illustrated folder.


Irvington 11

New Jersey

J^eis look inside WHEATON CoLleae

What d o we see? . . . D o rm itories cr ow d e d to capacity. Classrooms filled. Long lines wait­ ing in dining halls. Libraries taxed to the utmost. Each year we find it necessary to turn away hundreds and hundreds o f potential Christian leaders and servants. A nd all for the lack o f room ! Only your gifts, as the Lord leads, will enable Wheaton College to

meet this need and to go on with its ministry o f training young peo­ ple for Christian life and service. W o n ’t you prayerfully consider what the Lord would have you do in this time o f our need? Your gift TODAY means having a part in train­ ing Christian leaders o f TOMOR­ ROW. Your investment in young Christian lives will pay dividends in time and eternity.

* Whetton graduate* go forth u pastor*, mission- arias, evangelist*. Chris­

For fu ll information concerning Wheaton’s needs and plans fo r the future, write to : WHEATON C O L L E G E "fo r Christ and Hit Kingdom" Box No. KA-SJ * Wheaton, Illinois

tian business and professional men and women* Wherever they go

they become soul-winners for the Lord Jesus.


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