King's Business - 1947-05

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THE MORNING PRESENCE Carlton C. Buck The night is spent; the morning breaks; Oh, touch divine from Heav’n above, My Lord is nigh— He ne’er forsakes; He wakes me by a touch of love. The morning Presence waits for me At each new dawn without delay; Communion sweet, O Lord, with Thee, Who wakes me on each newborn day. Oh blessed thought in early morn When I awake, that Thou art near. Another day divinely born, To live for Thee, my Saviour, here. Blazed Out for God O, God, that I could blaze out for Thee! When I am dying how glad I shall be That the lamp of my life has been blazed out for Thee! —Samuel Rutherford

SEND POSTCARD FOR L IS T OF B IB LE Story, Organ, Chimes, and Sacred Rec­ ords. E. J. Thomas, Box 501, Los An ­ geles 25, Calif. T H E W ILSON IN D E X SYSTEM OF F IL - ing and indexing. Designed for needs of clergymen and other Bible students. Cir­ culars upon request. Wilson Index Com­ pany, East Haddam, Conn. S TRENG TH EN CH R IS TIAN HOMES BY introducing The Christian Parent, monthly parent magazine on Bible basis (includes daily devotions for children) $2.00 year. The Children’s Hour, weekly paper with stories that help children love Jesus, 50 cents year, less in quantity. Same price Little Folks Story Tim e for children from 3 to 8. See our other advertisement this page. Christian Education Company, Dept. K , Box 31, Highland, 111. The Will of J. P. Morgan, Sr. “I commit my soul into the hands of my Saviour, in full confi­ dence that, having redeemed it and washed it in His most precious blood, He will present it faultless before the throne of my Heavenly Father, and I entreat my children to main­ tain and defend, at all hazard, and at any cost of personal sacrifice, the blessed doctrine of the complete atonement for sin through the blood of Jesus Christ once offered, and through that alone.”

D.V.B.S.—6 INCH , RU LED B LO T TER ; unique advertising. A post card brings you A IR M A IL reply. Deadline May 12th. A ctive Church Publicity, P.O. Box 829, Hammond, Ind. CASH P A ID FOR YOUR BOOKS. SEND a list or write for details. W e reimburse shipping cost. Baker Book House, Qrand Rapids 6, Mich. CH R IS TIAN YOUNG WOMEN — P o s i­ tions open in Bible Conference open all year; office workers, waitresses, nurses, musicians, etc. Radio broadcasts, Gospel meetings and numerous activities. Salary with opportunity for advancement. State all particulars. Address: P.O. Box 75, Irvington 11, N. J. SINGERS—N E W DUETS Y O U 'L L A L - ways enjoy. “ Sacred Inspirational Duets," Joyously singable, easy, medium. Twelve numbers in 29-page book, 50c. No stamps. Braun Music Publications, 1505 N. 27th St., Milwaukee, Wis. B IB LE F ILM S TR IPS (600 PIC TURES ) $24. Also, projectors, filmstrips. See our other advertisement on this page. Christian Education Company, Dept. K, Box 31 Highland, 111. FOR SALE : B IB LE BOOK STORE IN large western city. Profitable business for ex-G. I., mild climate. $6000 buys busi­ ness and stock complete. Good downtown location. W rite Box 787, Sunnyside, Wash. O P PO R TU N IT Y FOR R E A L CH R IS TIAN service offered to one person, in each Southern California and Arizona commu­ nity. Age or sex immaterial. Some remu­ neration. C. W. English. 1773 N. El Molino, Pasadena 6. W A N T E D — M AN TO SERVE IN TH E Field Department of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Apply Director, Extension Department, 558 So. Hope St., Los An ­ geles 13, Calif. CORRECT A N D S INGABLE MUSIC SET- ting for your hymn-poem, assures editorial consideration. Music composing, arrang­ ing, editing and printing. Folders free. Raymond Iden, (K . B .) Mount Vernon, Ohio. YOUR RELIG IOUS EXPER IENCE . W H A T does it amount to? A much needed W aker Upper. Try 100, 25c .Tongues Shall Cease, 100, 50c. Llewellyn, 1411 Post, Seattle. “ HERE 'S H OW " The fascinating and completely different tract booklet which is turning scores of souls to Christ, 25 for $1, 100 for $3. The L ife Messengers, Box 515, Seattle, Wash. L IB R A R IA N W OU LD L IK E POSITION IN California for July and August. Special in­ terest in Christian literature. Margaret Morthland, Stony Brook, N. Y. W R IT E AR TIC LES, STORIES, ETC. FOR God’s glory. Free course. Appreciate 50c to help cover cost of advertising, postage, etc. Pacific School, Box 482, Bellflower, Calif. W IL L DEAD MEN L IV E AG A IN ? 127- page book 20c postpaid, P. O. Box 446-K, Minneapolis, Minn. OUR A IM : “ PREACH TH E GOSPEL." W rite for a free Gospel envelope. Rural Evangelization, Inc., 2895 Mataro St., Pasadena 8, Calif. SOUND S C R IP TU R A L TRACTS. ID E A L for pastors and personal workers. 400 for $1. Scripture Tract Society, Box 64, M ar­ cus Hook, Pa. W IL L YOU H E L P PRE ACH T H E GOS- pel with Scripture tracts—500 assorted $1, 100 assorted 25c. A ll money received is used for the Lord’s work. Scripture Tracts, 90 Coral St., Paterson 2, N. J. I PAGE FORTY-SIX

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