King's Business - 1947-05

but the truths I learned helped keep me steady through those months in the South P acific . . . Naturally, I couldn't wait to get back; but I kept hearing how Bob Jones College had grown, and I wondered if things would seem different. Last fall when I hit the campus, I found some new buildings, unfam iliar faces, crowded dorms, and congested halls; but the school hasn't changed —— JU ST GROWN! BOB JONES COLLEGE,

"There is the same friendly spirit, the same Chris* tion fellowship, the same emphasis upon clean, consecrated, spiritual living, the same loyalty to the Gospel. That •emethlnf that makes Bob Jones College 'America's Most Unusual' is still here. Th is fa ll Bob Jones College becomes Bob Jones Univer­ sity. Soon we will be moving to a beautiful new campus with a magnificent modern plant — fine, big buildings ond a greatly increased student body; but we will continue to stand for the same things, end we ere getng to keep that seme s p ir it . . . tt S U R E , W E HA V E G R O W N— AND GROWN B E T T E R ! t t F o r detailed in fo rm a tion write: DR. BOB JONHS, JR. CLEVELAND, TENNESSEE

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