to constitute the “scarlet woman” of Revelation 17 and 18. You hold that a man may repent of his sins and be saved as long as he lives. But I do feel that you should warn all of us to be careful, and take no chances. Apparently the writer of this question has in mind the matter of eternal se curity of the believer. If a person truly repents of his sin and accepts Christ as his Saviour, God does not just promise him salvation; He gives him salvation. God does not just promise him eternal life; He gives him eternal life. “He that hath the Son hath life.” Some folks have the idea that salva tion is like this: Christ makes the first down payment, and you make the rest with your own good works, so that fi nally through what Christ does, together with what you do, you finally reach heaven. That is not salvation at all. Christ paid it all, and when the sinner is saved, really saved, not merely a church member, he is saved eternally. Just what is meant when the Bible speaks of “ laying on of hands” ? The doctrine of the “ laying on of hands” is mentioned by the Apostle Paul in his epistle to Timothy. It simply means identification. It is taken over from the Old Testament days when the offerer of a sacrifice would place his hands on the head of the sacrifice, thus identifying himself with the victim. So when a missionary is going forth to some foreign field, those who are to re main identify themselves with the one who is going by the laying on of hands. It is a pledge of their responsibility to stand behind that one person. KODACHROME— Biblical Slides Truly a m inistry— not just a business Majoring in LIFE OF CHRIST, 79 slides. This extra ordinary set, the talk of mission stations throughout the world. Nothing like them anywhere. These slides* are Scriptural, Oriental in background, and all charac ters conform. Each slide numbered, titled, Scripture reference and glassed. High Class workmanship. 9 sets sent to one mission station in China .alone, one order. Cost fair and reasonable. Parsons’ Quality Slide Service, (slide maker for Biola 6 years). 3310 Cherokee Ave., South Gate, Calif. JE. 8092. You Can Serve the Lord IN I ND I A by supporting the work of the CEYLON AND INDIA GENERAL MISSION In India 55 years— Advance planned 128 South Lombard Ave., Oak Park, Illinois R each T h e C h il d r e n ^ g o .
Dr. L. T. Talbot
Certainly it is all right to call our selves sinners saved by grace. In Second Corinthians 5:17 it is stated that we are new creatures, and Revelation 5:10 states that Christ has made us kings and priests. All that is true, but we are sin ners saved by grace nevertheless. Paul never forgot his past, and called himself “the chief of sinners” (1 Tim. 1:15). Why did not the multitudes recognize Jesus? For the same reason that the multi tudes today do not recognize Him. The people in His day had ample reason to know that Christ was the Messiah, the Son of God, but the people today have even more reason. People do not want to know Him; they will therefore be with out excuse at the Great White Throne. Do you think that the Old Testament is for believers today? Can we claim the promises that God has placed there for us, or must we confine ourselves to that which is stated in the New Testament? All promises for the spirit, whether in the Old Testament or in the New, may be claimed by us. Ephesians 1:3 states that “ God hath blessed us with all spir itual blessings.” These are blessings for the spirit. However, temporal, earthly blessings in the Old Testament, were given as one of the marks of the favor of God, which is not necessarily true today. The Psalmist declared that he had not seen the godly, nor his seed, begging bread, but that does not apply today. Many of God’s people, in Russia and other places have died of starvation. The blessings promised us are heavenly. Just why are there so many denomina tions? Some claim that theirs is right, and all others claim the same thing. What is the right denomination, and why does God allow so many? The professing church is in a state of confusion at the present time, and how long the Lord will permit it I do not know. We only know that the end of it all will be sure. Those who are truly Christ’s own by the new birth will be gathered to Him in the rapture, and the remaining mass of professing, but not possessing, be lievers will be spued out of His mouth
What are the views of the Unitarians regarding Jesus Christ? The Unitarians emphasize the unity of God to the exclusion of the Trinity. Unitarians do not believe that the God head consists of Three Persons, the Fa ther, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, nor do they accept the deity of Jesus Christ. When you say that all Israel shall be saved, do you mean that all the Jews will be saved because of their race? . It is in Romans eleven that we find the declaration that all Israel will be saved. However, this is not to be inter preted that every individual Jew will be saved. Paul is speaking of Israel as a nation. The individual Jew is saved or lost according to his relationship to the Lord Jesus Christ, just as the Gentile is saved or lost. However, the nation, or Israel nationally, will be saved and re stored, as the Lord’s chosen people in the day the Lord appears. Recently I heard that when our Lord returns, He will only catch up to be with Him those who are looking for His re turn. I have some relatives who are saved, but know little about the second coming. What will happen to them at the return of Christ? This is called the partial rapture theory. It is based upon the statement, in Hebrews 9, where Paul states: “unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salva tion.” Personally, I have never met a real be liever on the Lord Jesus who was not looking for Him in some way. He may be all wrong in his understanding of the dispensations; he may know nothing of the order of events beginning with the rapture, but he is anticipating meeting the Lord some time. Mark you, that verse does not read, “unto them that hold the premillennial coming interpretation shall he appear the second time.” I often hear Christians refer to them selves as “ sinners saved by grace.” I would like to know if this is Scriptural in the light of Second Corinthians 5:17 and Revelation 5:10. It seems to belittle the grace of God to still call ourselves sinners.
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