King's Business - 1948-07

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BAPTISM FOR THE DEAD (Continued from Page 12)

ANNUAL Conference on Prophecy and the Jew s August 29 to September 6 ,1948 Winona Lake, Indiana

If, as you say, there is no resurrection, “Why are they then baptized for dead?” What is the sense of it? Baptism be­ comes a senseless, unreasonable, absurd ordinance, and this it can never be, be­ cause of its divine origin. It was divinely chosen because it showed forth the great, fundamental truths of our Christian faith and practice, and the greatest of these is the resurrection of the body. If any one is not convinced of the correctness of this new translation, (and I now speak to those who know New Testament Greek) let him suppose, that Paul is speaking about the baptism of an individual instead of a group. He asks, “ Else what shall he do that is being baptized for dead, if the dead rise not at all? Why is he then being baptized for dead?” Let him translate this into Greek, and see the changes that he will be compelled to make, and he will have further confirmation (among the initi­ ated) in favor of my translation. I might say, in conclusion, that the only place where I have seen any­ thing approaching my conclusions on this passage is the suggestion of Chrys­ ostom, quoted in the Cambridge Greek Testament for Schools and Colleges, that “ inasmuch as baptism was a death unto sin and a resurrection unto righteous­ ness, everyone who was baptized was baptized for the dead, i.e., for himself spiritually dead in trespasses and sins; and not only for himself, but for others, inasmuch as he proclaimed openly his faith in that resurrection of Christ which was as efficacious on others’ behalf as on his own.” Therefore, in this fifteenth chapter of First Corinthians, we have four great arguments in favor of the resurrection: First, verses 1-11, the argument from the testimony of many eye-witnesses; second, verse 29, the argument from the true significance of baptism or immer­ sion; third, verses 30-31, the argument for the Christian’s freedom from fear of death and danger; and fourth, verse 32, the argument from the readiness which Paul and those like him mani­ fested in taking the offensive and in fighting the good faith even against the beasts of Ephesus and the world. I have always, felt the weakness of our position in confronting Mormons, etc., so long as we have no satisfactory explanation of this verse as it stands in the Authorized and other 'versions,, be­ cause these translations plainly speak of those who are baptized for the dead; but with a careful and correct exegesis of the Greek Text, we discover that this verse neither teaches nor even suggests any such a doctrine as “ a baptism for the dead,” but emphasizes the simplicity, the importance, the dignity and the sig­ nificance of believers’ baptism as taught in the New Testament.

O ur H eadquarters EIGHT FEAST DA YS SPEAKERS IN V IT ED INCLUDE Dr. William Ward Ayer Dr. Louis S. Bauman Dr. Paul Bauman Dr. H. A. Ironside Dr. Theodore Jackman

Dr. Eddie Lieberman Dr. Herbert Lockyer Rev. A. B. Machlin Dr. R. L. Powell Rev. Gilbert Reid Rev. Charles Siegelman Dr. Nathan Stone Rev. Gerald L. Stover

Rev. Solomon Birnbaum Dr. John W. Bradbury Evangelist Max Cohn Dr. Norman Dunning Dr. Moses Gitlin Rev. Karl Goldberg Rev. Henry Hellyer

Rev. A. ’. Wilson Sponsored by AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR JEWISH EVANGELISM, Inc. Winona Lake, Indiana Write immediately for your reservation The Book The P ligh t o f the Jews IS NOW READY P ric e $1.50_________ O rd e r N ow "Sd i t AfatlUeuf to- y o u " Do you know . . . • That 6,000,000 Jews have died in 15 years without Christ? • That Palestine is about to flame with war? • That 10,000,000 Jews know not whither to Hym an J. Appel- t u r n ? man, President m i n . THE NEED IS GREAT! THE TIME IS RIPE! DOORS ARE OPENING TO US WILL YOU PRAY? WI LL YOU INTER- CEDE? H arry A. Ironside Chairm an, Board W ill you invest in souls for eternity? Write AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR JEWISH EVANGELISM

Dept. MM INCORPORATED Winona Lake, Ind.

Page Eighteen

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