at those things which stir up in our soul emotions which are for God’s glory. We Should See To Be Instructed Jer. 1:11-19 The great success of the child evangel ism workers and of other children’s workers who use flannelgraphs and ob jects attests the value of visual aid. As we see, we understand. The description of an apple to a blind person would be much more effective if he could see the apple. So our Lord said. “ Write the vi sion, make it plain upon tables that he may run that readeth it.” We are deeply affected by what we see and God would have us use that channel of blessing. We Should Hear To Be Stirred 2 Chron. 5:13,14 Martial music has been used through the centuries to give vigor to the sol dier’s step. Softer music has been used to enhance the sweetness of the wedding. Challenging music encourages to soul winning as we sing, “ Throw Out the Lifeline,” “ Launch Out Into the Deep,” “ Bring Them In,” etc. Music from the heart usually affects the heart. The band plays a stirring piece at the football games and plays the Dead March from Saul at the funeral of the king. We should take advantage of the effect of the ear upon the life and use this for God’s glory. We Should Hear To Be Comforted 1 Sam. 16:23 Many beautiful hymns have been writ ten which aid in mending the broken heart. Those who are weary with the way find solace in songs. One has writ ten, “Jesus, I Am Resting, Sweetly Rest ing” and the heart that sings it cannot but rest. Another has written, “ In the Secret of His Presence” and the soul that has been in the battle line al day retires to the “ secret place of the Most High” under the beneficent influence of this hymn. Another has written, “ Out of My Bondage, Sorrow and Night, Jesus, I Come.” The weary sinner finds comfort and peace in doing so. We thank God for Christian art and godly music. Mrs. Reuben A. Torrey was asked why no biography of her husband had been written. She replied, "M r. Torrey intended to write his own biography. But since he did not have time, he requested that no one else write it. He was afraid that they would give the glory for what was accomplished to him rather than to the Lord."
August 15, 1948 GOD SPEAKS THROUGH LITERATURE Psa. 23:1-6; Luke 15:11-32
P AUL wrote to Timothy, “ Till I come, give attendance to reading.” We should be constantly enriching our minds and improving our knowledge through varied and profitable reading matter. It is well to be adding constantly to our in formation by reading good articles on various subjects. This enables us to study the Scriptures better and certain ly improves our ability to converse ac ceptably. God wants us to know about flowers and birds. We should know his tory, the processes of chemistry, and physical phenomena. Thus we can serve more acceptably. We Should Read To Obtain Information Neh. 8:8 The first application of this principle is that we should read all parts of the Bible. We need to know its history and its prophecy. We need to understand its precepts and its practices. We need to realize God’s power and His perfection. All of this we get through reading the Bible. But we need to know other things also so that we may adapt the message of the Bible to practical life such as to the Rotary Club, the jewelers’ conven tion, the bakers’ congress, the nurses’ fellowship or to a farm bureau meeting. We Should Read To Receive Inspiration Psa. 119:107; 145:14-17 The heart does .not naturally bubble up with the precious water of life unless there is a downpour from heaven to keep it flowing. God’s Word is the spring from which we draw the refreshing water of life. The Holy Spirit uses His Word to G OD has given us eyes and ears whereby we may improve our souls and enrich our lives. Much that enters the eyes and the ears is defiling and pro motes sinful desires. There are, however, blessed results from the proper use of the arts and of music so that God is glorified thereby and lives are enriched. We may see that which draws us nearer to God and we may hear that which glorifies His name in us. We should pro mote both. These are God-given avenues of blessing. We Should See To Be Stirred Luke 10:33-35 It was when. Paul saw Athens wholly given to idolatry that his spirit was stirred and he preached that ever-living message. It was when the Samaritan saw the wounded man that he was moved to assist him. Pictures of these events stir the heart. Nature scenes as well as Bible
soften the ground and to cause the seed to grow. Inspirational books such as “ T h e R a d i a n t Mo r n , ” “ Ruth the Moabitess,” Newton’s “ The Jewish Tab ernacle,” “The Christian’s Secret of a Happy Life,” and other such messages thrill and fill the soul with the love of God. Let us enrich our lives by reading for inspiration. We Should Read For Instruction Psa. 119:130, 133 We need to learn the truths of God and how to apply them. The Spirit of God uses the Word of God to give us those teachings. God has also raised up teachers to instruct His children. Their books are very profitable. We need to learn how to win souls for Christ. Men have written helpful material on that subject. We need to know how to pray, how to give, how to serve, how to preach, and all of these subjects and many more are available in excellent books which should be read. We Should Read For Pleasure Psa. 119:162, 165 A great part of the Bible makes most enjoyable reading. The epic of Ruth fills the heart with joy. The tragic episode of Jonah stirs the heart with deep emotion. The beautiful Psalms fill the heart with singing. The adventures of Samson de light the imagination. The book of Reve lation arouses the deepest interest. There are other books on missionary travels, Christian experiences, biography, et cet era, which delight the heart and leave no sadness in their train. Let us give at tention to reading that our lives may be richer.
August 22, 1948 GOD SPEAKS THROUGH ART AND MUSIC John 19:5; Rev. 14:1-3; 19:5-9
scenes lead to the worship of God who is the Creator of such beauty. Pictures of Bible stories help one to understand the message more fully. Let us seek to look
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