King's Business - 1948-07

procreation. Let us learn well from this outdoor book. Nature Reveals God’s Power Rom. 1:20 The seed bursts its way through thé hard ground, raises the heavy clod, and emerges for fruit-bearing. The staunch oak grows from a tender shoot to be­ come a bulwark against the storm. The mighty sea waves toss the Queen Mary as though she were a cork. The volcano erupts many tons of heavy metal with no effort. God causes the earth to rotate •on its axis and to revolve around its orbit without missing a second of time. What a God we have! Nature Reveals God’s Knowlege Rom. 11:33 God teaches the bird to make her nest, lay her eggs, and then have a fitful fever which causes her to sit for two weeks or more to hatch the eggs. God made the rivers and streams tortuous that they might water as much land as possible. God makes the raindrops in such a way that when they fall the vegetation is un­ damaged. God controls the heat of the sun and the strength of the wind and the amount of water for the blessing of His creatures. Our God is a God of infi­ nite power. Nature Reveals God’s Care Matt. 5:45 It is surely a great blessing that God has not allocated to man the manage­ ment of this world. We would favor our friends and neglect our enemies. We would forget the needs of bugs and beetles and overlook the desert places where no man dwells. God causes it to rain where no man lives so that those streams may carry water to the centers of habitation. God works in the winter to prepare food for the summer. God gives germ life to seeds that we may have continuous crops. God gives power to each animal, bird, fish, and insect to obtain its food and to digest it properly. Let us worship the God of nature. The cure for timidity is to be filled with the Spirit. “ Perfect love casteth out fear” and this love is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit. In the Congo, chimpanzees have been known to imitate the white man by carefully lay­ ing great piles of brush and setting them in perfect order for a fire—but they do not know how to make the fire! Church services and fine sermons may be ar­ ranged in perfect order, but “ all is vain unless the Spirit of the Holy One come down.” May Thy rich grace impart Strength to my fainting heart, My zeal inspire. As Thou hast died for me, O may my love to Thee Pure, warm and changeless be, A living fire! T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S T IMOTHY THE TIMID (Continued from Page 8) Spirit fire. Painted fire is not Pentecost fire; it will not burn. Wesley said, “ Get on fire for God, and somebody will come to watch you burn.”

August 29, 1948 GOD SPEAKS THROUGH NATURE Psa. 8:1-9; Matt. 6:28, 29

G OD has written two books which we should study carefully. The great book of nature contains irresistible sto­ ries which thrill the heart with admira­ tion and fill the soul with worship. God’s indoor book, the Bible, enables us to un­ derstand His outdoor book of nature and vice versa. God would have us under­ stand His handiwork as well as His heart throbs. He speaks to us through the eye and ear in nature. as He does also in His Word. Let us give heed to both messages that we may know Him better.

Nature Reveals God’s Wisdom Psa. 104:24

God has made the colors in nature to harmonize in some way with the eyes. We would not want the leaves and the grass to be purple. Green is better. God has made the air suitably adjusted to our lungs. We do not want the air to be all oxygen or all nitrogen. God has made vegetation to suit herbivorous animals and has made animal life to suit carniv­ orous ones. He gives animals their means of defense and their instinct for

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