August 8, 1948 EBED-MELECH, THE ETHIOPIAN Jer. 38:7-13: 39:15-18
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should remember that it is not so much how great are our gifts to the Lord but how willingly given and for what pur pose. Even the cup of cold water given in Jesus’ name will not be forgotten. Reward is the Result of Faithful Service vv. 15-18 From this passage we see how God was about to take the multitude into cap tivity and many would be slain by the sword because they refused to trust and serve the Lord but Ebed-melech was saved because he put his trust in the Lord and served Him humbly. Helps for the Children Jeremiah’s Good Friend Jeremiah 38:1-39:18 Memory Verse: “ Let us do good unto all men” (Galatians 6:10). Because Jeremiah h a d faithfully brought God’s message to a wicked people, evil men reported him to the king and let him down by cords into a dungeon. Jeremiah sunk into the mud. Ebed-me lech, a colored man, heard what had hap pened to his friend. Quickly he went to the king and asked that Jeremiah be saved before he died of hunger. The king told Ebed-melech to take thirty men to pull Jeremiah out of the dungeon. Ebed- melech found old rags which he let down to Jeremiah so that the cords would not cut his arms. Secretly Zedekiah, the king, met with Jeremiah and asked him to tell what God’s message had been. When Jer emiah obeyed, Zedekiah spared his life but left him in prison until enemies took the city of Jerusalem as God had told Zedekiah that they would do if he refused to follow God’s instructions. The enemies dealt kindly with Jeremiah; they took him out of prison and sent him to his home. While Jeremiah was in prison, God gave to him a message for Ebed-melech. God was going to deliver the city into enemy hands, but Ebed-melech was to be protected because he had put his trust in the Lord. Some people today would not accept help frem those of another race or allow those of another color skin to come near to them no matter how great their dan ger was. Some would accept the help and then refuse to ever again recognize their helper, because his skin was not the same color as theirs. Each race helps each other race in some way—by growing fibers and foods, by inventions, by training doctors, by sending missionaries, etc.—each helps to make the other happier. No one race or nation can rightly feel superior, for “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” The same Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ, died equally as much for the sin of one person as for another! T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
Pointers on the Lesson During the last few weeks we have been noting how God has been pleased to use the lives of men and women who were not blessed with great brilliance or high position but who were willing to use what they had for God. Baruch used his ability as a secretary; Jonathan used his friendly spirit; Naomi used her faith and laid hold on opportunity; Bezaleel used his talent as a craftsman; and Micaiah stood by his convictions as to the Word of God. Now our attention is directed toward Ebed-melech, a servant of King Zedekiah, who only appears in chapters 38 and 39 of Jeremiah. We doubtless never would have heard of him had it not been for a bit of kindly service which he rendered unto the prophet in his time of persecution. His name and his deed will be remembered forever because God has seen fit to give it a place in His holy Book. The following lessons may be learned from his story: Who was Ebed-melech? He was not a Jew. He, did not belong to the chosen race. He was an Ethiopian, a colored man from the South, a Gentile. More over, as the word implies, this man was just a “ servant of the King,” a eunuch, a man whose body had been mutilated in order that he might perform the duties in connection with the king’s harem. But God used this man to save his persecuted prophet. The Jews had turned against him but a Gentile befriends Jeremiah. It reminds us of Christ and the treatment He received at the hands of His own people but was believed on by the Gen tiles. Ebed-melech Exhibited Commendable Courage vv. 8, 9 In face of what the Jews had done in persecuting God’s prophet and with danger to his own life, this man nobly went forth to advise the king concerning the situation and to seek the welfare of the prophet. In the day of reckoning such courage will not be forgotten. God Uses Very Humble Instruments For His Glory vv. 10-13 God not only uses humble persons for His service; He also uses very humble things. In the instance before us God glorified some “old cast clouts and rotten rags,” literally, “torn clothes and worn out garments.” It would appear that if God can use such trifling things, He can use anything! And that is true, provid ing the motive behind the use is right. With Ebed-melech there was a loving heart behind the worthless clothes. They were used for the purpose of lessening the pain of a man of God. And so we God Is No Respecter of Persons Jer. 38:7
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