King's Business - 1948-07

August 15, 1948 ANDREW BRINGS MEN TO JESUS John 1:37-42; Mark 1:16-18; John 12:20-22

CHRISTIAN SUPPLIES Visit or write us for Bibles, books, Scripture cards, mottoes and pictures. A good line of many items for the Christian home and for the Church and Sunday School. THE BAPTIST BOOK STORE 352 S. Spring St. Los Angeles 13, Calif. P jP | T R A C T S yr**^ Recommended by Louis T. Talbot, ^ Paul R. Bauman, Sam H. Suther- land, and others. Titles include: Life Facts, Hell, Christ Speaks KING'S CROSS on Hell, When the Books Are PUBLICATION Opened, Ye Must Be Born Again, Sliding Into Hell from a Church Pew, Eat, Drink and Be Merry, The Delusion of Head Belief, Soul Winner’s Chart. Send 10c for samples of all publications listed!

The Method of Andrew John 12:26-22

Pointers on the Lesson Andrew is not noted for his brilliance. He never preached any great sermons. He never wrote any books. He was not the president of any great company or the leader of any great movement. He never built a great building that bore his name. His brother Peter did some of these things and was far more in­ clined toward leadership and having part in spectacular things. Andrew, on the other hand, was more of a quiet type. His name means ‘manly’ and he was that through and through. He was the kind of a man who is always seeking out ways whereby he may forward the cause of Christ without delighting in the spotlight. He was ever faithful, just the kind of a man that is a delight to any pastor’s heart. He was a soul winner. He rejoiced in the opportunity to bring forth hidden resources and put them in the Master’s hands. Remember he was the man who discovered the lad with the loaves and fishes. No, Andrew was not conspicuous but he was convinced of his duty and ful­ filled it. The Concern of Andrew John 1:37-42 This is most instructive for every be­ liever. It is perfectly evident that as soon as Andrew came to know the Lamb of God himself he had a concern that someone else should know Him too. It was most natural that his thoughts would turn to his brother. “He first findeth his own brother.” Note the word “ first.” Be­ fore he did anything else he was on his way to contact his brother Peter for the Lord. His effort was successful and all the world knows about the Apostle Peter. Up in heaven Andrew’s work in bringing his brother to Christ will not be forgot­ ten. We have set forth in this brief story what is the normal response of every be­ liever to the reception of Christ. It is the desire to make Him known to others. The Call of Andrew Mark 1:16-18 Some time after the preceding account, Jesus met the two brothers as they were fishing in Galilee. The Lord called them to enter definitely into His service. “ Come ye after me, and I will make you to be­ come fishers of men.” The response on the part of both was quick and whole­ hearted. Andrew had already done a little fishing for men for he had brought Peter to Jesus. His service in this respect would increase with the passing days. Doubtless we have suggested in this little glimpse into the lives of Andrew and Peter what is the calling of every child of God, namely, to be a fisher of men. Have you had any fish on your hook lately? J U L Y , 1 9 4 8

Certain Greeks, probably proselytes of the gate, desired an interview with Jesus. They approached Philip first. He had a Greek name. That may have attracted them. Philip knew not what to do for the door of the Gospel had not yet been thrown open to the Gentiles. Andrew was then consulted. Neither did he know just what should be done. But he and Philip made a wise decision. They told Jesus about the matter. Christ then told them, with the Greeks probably near enough to hear, about His cross the means by which both Jew and Greek can come to Christ and be saved. Helps for the Children What Andrew Told His Friends Matthew 4:18; Mark 1:16-21, 29; 3:18; 13:3-7; Luke 6:14; John 1:37-43; 6:8, 9; 12:26-22; Acts 1:12-14 Memory Verse: “Go home to thy friends, and tell them how great things the Lord hath done for thee” (Mark 5:19). Andrew was a fisherman whom the Lord Jesus had called to be His disciple. Sometimes Andrew and Peter, his brother, entertained their Lord in their home. One day Andrew and another disciple spent part of the day with the Saviour in the home where He was staying. As soon as Andrew became Jesus’ follower, he at once found Peter, his brother, and brought him to Jesus. It was Andrew who found the lad with the loaves and fishes the day that the Lord Jesus fed the five thousand. Another day Andrew told the Lord about some Greek people who wanted to see Him. After Jesus had returned to heaven, Andrew met in the upper room for prayer with the other disciples. Andrew was always looking for some­ one whom he might bring to his Saviour. He was unlike many Christians who are selfish with the story of salvation. Do you love the Lord Jesus? If so, have you told your family and your friends about Him and invited them to love Him too? Have you invited them to attend God’s house with you that they might hear the Gospel? If not, your Lord would say to you, “ Go home to thy friends, and tell them how great things the Lord hath done for thee.” I YOU CAN HELP: By Watching the expiration date j on your magazine. Making sure your subscription j is paid well in advance so you I will not miss a copy. Writing your name and ad- ( dress PLAINLY. Be sure the j t address is COMPLETE.

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