King's Business - 1948-07

August 22, 1948 DORCAS, A WOMAN OF GOOD WORKS Acts 9:36-42

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we do know that He is calling upon every Christian to live the risen life so that those jvho know not Christ will come to know Him as Saviour. The believer is identified with Christ in His death, bur­ ial and resurrection and therefore should be motivated by the same power that brought Christ forth from the tomb. If such is the case he will have an in­ fluence upon unbelievers that will draw them to Christ. See Col. 3:i-17. Memory Verse: “ Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me” (Matthew 25.49). Living in the town of Joppa was a Christian woman named Dorcas. God’s Word tells us that she was “full of good works.” One day Dorcas became sick and died. The Christians in Joppa heard that Peter was in a nearby city. They sent two of the men to ask Peter to come quickly to Dorcas’ home. The men brought Peter to the upper room where Dorcas’ body lay. All of the widows stood there weeping and showing to Peter all of the coats and the garments that Dorcas had made while she was with them. Peter asked everyone to leave the room. After he had knelt down and prayed, he turned to Dorcas and told her to arise. She opened her eyes and sat up when she saw Peter. He gave her his hand and lifted her up and showed her to those who were waiting outside. All of the city soon heard the news, and many believed upon the Lord Jesus because of the mir­ acle which He had enabled Peter to per­ form. Perhaps Dorcas was a poor woman, but she used what she had—her needle— for others and for her Lord. The little lad gave his lunch to the Lord. Some Christian girls care for* children so that their parents can go to church; some women cook for the poor or make cloth­ ing for them; some boys and girls help with the work in their homes, help clean their churches, read to the blind, sing and pray with the sick—all of these serving in their Lord’s name. Little things, each of these; but for each one our Lord says, “ Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, you have done it unto me.” Helps lor the Children How Dorcas Used Her Needle Acts 9:36-42

Pointers on the Lesson Dorcas was a quiet soul. She didn’t often make the headlines. She cared not for publicity. She went about her daily tasks in a humble, unselfish way with no concern for the plaudits of the world. In fact, it is quite evident that folks did not really know all that she did, in the way of kindness and helpfulness to others until she had passed beyond this life. But when she was gone the value of her life began to reveal itself. Let us note a few things her story emphasizes. Dorcas Had a Good Name Acts 9:36 Strange as it may seem, her name means ‘gazelle,’ that graceful animal with a swift foot. Was the name she was given at birth prophetic of the kind of a life she would live? Be that as it may, we do know that Dorcas “was full of good works and alms-deeds.” She was swift to put into practice the life of God which was in her heart. She was the kind of a woman that kept faith and works in proper balance. Some folks are so busy keeping orthodox as to their faith that they do not pay much atten­ tion to being orthodox in manner of life. Let us take to heart the words of James, namely, “ Faith without works is dead” (2:20); and also the words of Paul to the effect that the believer is “ created in Christ Jesus unto good works” (Eph. 2 : 10 ). Dorcas Left Evidences of Faithfulness vv. 37-39 After Dorcas had died, one after an­ other began to point to the garments which she had made for them. She had used her needle for the Lord and thus became the leader of the first “ Dorcas Society.” She engaged in the right kind of social service. We should never forget that the Gospel of Christ has very defi­ nite social aspects. It seeks to meet the need of the poor and the distressed. It is worthy of consideration that there were no such things as hospitals, orphanages, leprosariums, homes for the poor, etc., until Jesus came. The true Christian has within him some of “the milk of human kindness” so often witnessed in the life of our Lord. After you and I are gone will it be that those we have left behind us will be able to point to some of the evidences of love and loyalty to Christ we have wrought? It was so with Dorcas. Dorcas Exhibited a Risen Life vv. 40-42 God saw fit to raise this godly woman from the dead. He did it for a witness to unbelievers round about, “ and many believed in the Lord” (v. 42). Not until Christ comes will He often repeat this sort of miracle in all probability. But

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When the glory of the Father Is the goal of every prayer:

When before the throne in Heaven Our High Priest presents it there: When the Spirit prompts the asking, When the waiting heart believes; Then we know of each petition Everyone who asks receives.

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

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