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August 29, 1948 ANANIAS: UNRESERVED OBEDIENCE Acts 9:10-20
convert enter energetically into the serv ice of the Lord (20). What a thrill must have come to Ananias every time he wit nessed or heard about Paul’s great min istry! He had a part in getting him started. Helps for the Children Ananias the Friend Acts 9:1-22 Memory Verse: “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart . . . and thy neighbour as thyself” (Luke 10:27). Saul had been seeking to have every Christian punished or killed. On his way to Damascus, Saul met the Son of God and believed upon Him. The Saviour told Saul to go into the city where he would be told what he must do. For three days- Saul was blind and did not eat or drink. One night the Lord spoke to a Chris tian named Ananias, saying, “ Arise, and go into the street which is called Straight and inquire in the house of Judas for one called Saul, of Tarsus: for, behold, he prayeth.” Ananias was afraid to go to Saul, for he had heard how Saul was having Christians punished. The Lord told Ananias to go as He had command ed, for Saul had been chosen to be the first great missionary. Ananias went to Saul and placed his hands upon him, saying, “ Brother Saul, the Lord, even Jesus . . . hath sent me that thou might- est receive thy sight, and be filled with the Holy Ghost.” Saul received his sight and was baptized. He at once commenced to preach the gospel which he had hated before! Ananias must have rejoiced that he had been willing to obey God’s voice even though at first his heart had been filled with fear at what the results might be. He was willing to obey God even in a dangerous and difficult way. Later he helped Paul and helped to start one of the early churches. Ananias truly loved the Lord with all his heart, and Saul, his neighbor, as himself! Prison Percentages «S* It is quite the custom for the Cath olic Press to take pot shots at our public school system, endeavoring to show that the parochial schools produce better citizens. The average Protestant is not aware of the relation between Catholi cism and crime. In 28 states with an average Catholic population of 17.24%, the average Catholic prison population is 33.62%. In California, 16.83% of the total population is Catholic, but 43.61% of the prison population is Catholic. In Wyoming, with a Catholic population of only 7.13%, the percentage of Catholics in the prison population is 32.18%. From these figures, it would seem that one of the ways to reduce crime in this country would be to close out all the parochial schools.
Pointers on the Lesson Another unsung character of the Bible appears before us for consideration in this week’s lesson. All we know about Ananias is to be found in the book of Acts in relation to the conversion of Saul of Tarsus. He is “just” a disciple. He held no official position. He did no great work as the world looks at things but this is the man whom God chose to have a part in getting the new convert Saul started in the way of the Lord. Note sev eral things revealed concerning this ob scure character in the passage before us. God Spoke to Him v. 10 He spoke to him in a vision. The ac count does not say just how the vision came or what the nature of it was. Perhaps in a dream he was given to see a man in great need and an intense de sire accompanied it to minister to the man’s need. Whatever it was, it was sent of God; it was supernatural. Through it God made His will known.- God still spedks to men. He speaks in different ways but usually now through His Word and always in harmony with it. We need always to be listening for His voice. God Found a Listening Ear v. 10 “ Behold, I am here, Lord.” Ananias was like Samuel of old who when the Lord spoke to him said, “ Speak; for thy servant heareth” (1 Sam. 3:10). God still is seeking for listening ears. Too many to whom the Lord would speak today have their ears so tuned to the world that they cannot hear God. It de mands some attention to spiritual things if God is to be heard in the life. God Went Before His Servant vv. 11-16 Not only did God call Ananias to a definite bit of service. He went on ahead to prepare the way for this service. He had given Saul of Tarsus a vision also so that Saul was ready for Ananias when he came. God is like that. Remember what Jesus said in John 10? “And when he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep follow him” (v.4). God does not send His servants forth without providing leadership, prov idential arrangements, etc., so that a successful ministry may be performed. God Prospered His Servant’s Ministry vv. 17-20 See what happened as Ananias obeyed God: (1) he found entrance “ into the house” (17); (2) he found a “ brother” in the Lord (17); (3) he witnessed the restoration of Saul’s sight following his laying hands upon him (18); (4) he doubtless had the privilege of adminis tering baptism to Saul (cfi 22:16); and (5) he had the joy of observing a new J U L Y . 1 9 4 8
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