King's Business - 1948-07

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himself. But he needed to be set on fire. Was there just a little danger that he might be ashamed of the testimony of the Lord? Certainly he was admonished to stir up the gift, to kindle the fire of God within him. The Scriptures tell us of PREACH­ ERS WI THOUT THE FAI TH, PREACHERS WI THOUT THE FACTS, and PREACHERS WITHOUT THE FIRE. Our Saviour asked, “When the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?” He will find some ministers without faith, for He Himself said, “ Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I pro­ fess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.” Timothy was not without faith, but there have been others who, for all their godly ancestry and their teaching and training in the Scriptures which are able to make one wise unto salvation, have nevertheless possessed a head knowledge of Bible terms without a heart knowledge of Bible truth. Noth­ ing is more perilous than a superficial acquaintance with the language of the Christian faith from childhood. There always lurks the deadly danger that, like Absalom, one may dwell at Jerusalem and never see the king’s face. John Wesley had a godly mother, was trained at Oxford, prayed and preached, had a zeal and love for souls after a fashion, was desperate in his search for truth, but all the time was without an experimental knowledge of sins forgiven. Thomas Chalmers was a preacher long before he had an “original experience of Jesus Christ.” There are not only PREACHERS WITHOUT FAITH, there are PREACH­ ERS WITHOUT THE FACTS. Apollos was eloquent, mighty in the Scriptures, instructed in the way of the Lord, fer­ vent in the spirit, speaking and teaching diligently the things of the Lord. One would think that sufficient for any min­ ister. But while Apollos was faithful to the light, he had not enough light until Aquila and Priscilla instructed him. The preacher deals with facts: Christ died for our sins and rose for our justi­ fication, according to the Scriptures. These are historic facts, but there are preachers who do not believe the record God gave of His Son. John 3:16 depends upon Second Timothy 3:16. One may be ^ Christian and not know much doctrine, but no one has any business going out to preach until he knows and believes the facts of the gospel. But a preacher may also be without FIRE and this, I think, is where Tim­ othy comes in. There was indeed fire within him, but it needed to be kindled into flame. Too often the minister has a bed of coals in his heart covered with a lot of ashes. There are others who sub­ stitute strange fire and stage fire for (Continued on Page 22) Page Eight


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By Emily J, Alexander

This is a picture of a “released time” Euodia club, which started with sixteen girls, and now is composed of over 100 at every meeting. T HE Bible Institute of Los Angeles was founded over forty years ago by Mr. Lyman Stewart and Mr. 2:14: “Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place.”

T. C. Horton. Many departments were added to the actual Bible training courses. Mrs. Horton started the Adult Neighborhood Bible Classes for women which were taught by trained Bible teachers known as The Bible Women. The Lyceum Eteri was in existence be­ fore the Bible Institute began. These Bible c l a s s e s progressed steadily throughout the years. Every Tuesday night—whether holidays or not—this Club has never failed to meet. There business and college girls, in fact, any young woman, can always find a wel­ come, a supper, and a splendid message for her soul’s comfort and salvation. Before Mrs. Horton went to be with the Lord, she put Mrs. Lyman Stewart in her place to carry on this Bible- teaching work, in which she has been a most faithful leader. Mrs. Horton was concerned for the teen-age girls, who were growing up without a knowledge of the Bible which was not permitted to be read in our public schools. For this reason, Mrs Horton started the Euodia Club for younger girls, which has existed for more than thirty years. These girls meet after school once a week in a home or church near their schools to study the Bible. The first club was started in the old Los Angeles High School. Many trained Bible teachers have been added to this department, and in the last 27 years, there have been thousands of Euodia girls. How did this Bible Club get its strange name? Dr. R. A. Torrey so named it from the Greek word for fra­ grance, Euodia. The motto of the Club is: “ To be fragrant for Christ,” and its particular verse is Second Corinthians

The aim of the Euodia Club is, first, to make the way of life plain. Then fol­ lows the study of the Bible, three years in the Old Testament, and three years in the New. Each lesson is a practical salvation message. Some ask, “ Do the girls come regularly?” Many girls have never missed for the entire six years through Junior and Senior High; in fact, a Junior Euodia for fifth and sixth grade girls has been Started. This year one girl is receiving a Bible from Mrs. Lyman Stewart for eight years of faith­ ful attendance. She has missed but once, when she was thrown from a horse and suffered a concussion. Others ask, “ Do they go on with their Christian train­ ing?” Yes, many have gone to the Bible Institute, and later as missionaries to the foreign field. Today Euodia girls are in China, Africa, India; in fact, in all parts of the world. Many become minis­ ters’ wives and Christian workers. This work is carried on by many faithful wo­ men, over fourteen regular teachers and many volunteers. During the years, sev­ eral of our women have gone to be with the Lord. God buries His workmen but carries on His work. Friendship with Jesus, Fellowship divine. Oh, what blessed, sweet communion; Jesus is a Friend of mine. This is a favorite chorus of the girls for they have found real friendship and fellowship in Euodia. Many who were in Euodia and are now mothers, are send­ ing their daughters to present-day clubs. Certainly God raised up this work for such a time as this. T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

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